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"Natsu?" Lucy called.

He had left earlier — undeniably evading Lucy. She sighed, and walked back into the house. Gently, she bounced Nashi on her hip. He smiled, and looked at his mum. Lucy giggled, a small bubble had formed on her son's lip. Lucy chuckled at him and wiped it away.

"Nashi ~ you'd think that Natsu would love to spend the day with you. But here he is, hiding. I guess he just doesn't love us anymore..." Lucy sighed.

"Hey!" Natsu yelled from his hiding place. Then he realized. "I ... Neigh! I'm just a horse!"

Lucy chuckled and turned towards the noise. It had come from the nursery. She was sure that was where her husband hid. He had a way of jokingly avoiding his days with Nashi. She just hoped it was a joke.

Once Lucy entered the nursery it didn't take long for Natsu to reveal himself. He crawled out from behind the toy box. He had pushed it out from the wall only enough to fit him. As he appeared, Nashi giggled.

"Uppa!" He cried delightedly. "Uppa! Uppa! Uppa!"

Lucy passed the toddler to her husband. Natsu took his son and jokingly tossed him in the air. Nashi squealed with glee each time. Natsu couldn't stop the wide smile from sliding onto his face. Lucy smiled softly at her husband and son.

"Come on, Natsu. It's not every day Nashi gets to go with you and the guys for the day."

"Heh- yeah." Natsu chuckled. He rubbed Nashi's hair as he put the toddler on the ground. "You ready to learn how to beat up the ice princess? And his little ice princess?"

"Natsu!" Lucy laughed. "Gray and Juvia are his godparents. And Gael is his friend. Don't teach him to fight with them."

Natsu frowned. "It — it's the Ice Princess. I gotta beat him up, and pass on my fight!"

Lucy turned to leave the room. Natsu moved, but he was stuck in his spot. Looking down, Nashi was wrapped around his leg. His son was blowing spit bubbles while looking up at his dad.

"C'mon little guy. I bet you're excited to see Gael."

Natsu picked up Nashi and sat him on his shoulders. Nashi squealed with delight, and grabbed at his father's hair. Pointing forward and jumping around, Nashi showed where he wanted to go.

"Alright! I get it!" Natsu chuckled.

Lucy and Natsu left the house. Natsu with Nashi on his shoulders and Lucy with the day bag slung over her shoulder. It contained all they would need to keep Nashi happy- at least hopefully. There was the mandatory diapers and blankets, along with the favorite toys. And Nashi wouldn't go anywhere without his plush dragon; Atlas.

As soon as they reached Gray and Juvia's house, a little girl came bounding across the grass. She was a few months younger than Nashi, but she was learning faster. It worried Lucy. But she smiled as Gael came up to Natsu with arms up stretched.

"Unga! Uppa! Uppa! Uppa!"

Natsu reached down for her, careful not to let Nashi slip off. He pulled her up and held her in his arms. She squealed with delight and grabbed at his hair. Natsu winced as the two toddlers pulled at his hair.

"Juvia!" Lucy called as the blue woman left her house. Gray followed closely, holding his wife's hand. The two women immediately went into a conversation.

Natsu looked at Gray. Gray looked at Natsu. Gael was happily playing with Nashi and laughing loudly. As Nashi laughed louder, Natsu put the children down. There was only so much screaming in his ears that he could tolerate.

"So." Gray started. "Where are we doing with the kids today?"

Natsu looked on as Gael and Nashi rolled around playing. They stopped when they saw Nayeli coming with her parents. The toddlers ran to their friend, and Levy gave her husband a quick kiss goodbye as she headed off to talk with the other moms. The women waited patiently by the fence gate as another companion came in. Her scarlet hair could be seen from far away.

Subaru was walking proudly between her parents. Jellal still had his head hidden under the hood of his cloak, despite him being pardoned of his crimes. Erza could be seen with an invisible smile as she walked proudly into town with her entire family for the first time; she had only just convinced Jellal that Magnolia was safe for him and his family to be seen together.

Nashi and Gael watched with wonder as this new friend walked closer. She seemed intimidating at first. Her face was strong just like her mother's, and she was even wearing armor that was similar to her mom's. Slung in a small case over her shoulders, were four miniature staffs; hand carved by a family friend when he started to teach her his magic. Nayeli knew this girl. She wasn't around often, but when she was, the strange girl made a fun playmate. So Nayeli was the first of the children to call out to Subaru.

"Subaru-chan!" She called happily.

Nashi and Gael looked from one another to their parents. Their parents were friendly, especially the moms. They welcomed the red haired lady into their conversation immediately. And even their fathers were welcoming. Gray and Natsu were teasing the new man, with Natsu giving an especially forceful noogie to the blue haired man. So the children followed their friend and waved at the new girl.

As Subaru walked closer to the group, she saw two new faces. There was a little girl, very pale but with raven blue hair. Her skin sparkled slightly in the sun, as if covered in water. She wore a flowery blue dress, and had her rambunctious hair tied up in two pigtails. Subaru could see the girls eyes — a brilliant shade of crystal blue. The girl looked so fragile, like a little glass figure. Hanging from a chain around her neck was a tiny silver rain doll. Her mother had the exact same chain, but made of ice.

The other child was a boy. He was slightly taller than the girl, but seemed less sturdy on his feet. He had a simple pair of white shorts on with a black vest. His hair was much like the pink haired man's, but it was a brilliant gold in the sun. His face was slightly tanned — he had played outside a fair bit for a boy of his age. He looked at her with excitement, and his deep chocolate brown eyes caught Subaru's attention.

The third child was one that Subaru knew — although not very well. She had black hair that framed her pale face with long waves that were pulled back with a headband. Her eyes were a bright shade of red, but she never once looked frightening. As she smiled, her two front teeth were missing.

"Guys -" Lucy called. "The last few people are arriving."

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