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Lucy leaned heavily on her husband as they left the guild. She was grateful it was nighttime — no one could see her flushed and sweaty face. She held the loose maternity dress around her legs; the wind was strong. Thankfully, it was easier to walk than she had originally thought. Despite her tiredness, Lucy felt incredibly light. Too light, it was unusual. And it scared her. As Lucy gripped Natsu's arm, she kept looking at Nashi. Her baby. Natsu's baby. Nashi had been wrapped in the sheets from the guild. But Lucy was still scared that he might catch a cold.

Natsu was glad. His wife was next to him, and his baby was in his arms. He kept thinking of all the things that he would teach his son — all the things that Igneel had taught him. Natsu desperately wanted to play with his son but both of his arms were occupied.

As he led his family up the hill, Natsu was excited. The new nursery, the toys he and Lucy had bought — they were no longer decorations. They were going to be a part of everyday life. Natsu struggled to open the door without waking Nashi, but he managed. Once the door was open, he led Lucy to their bedroom.

"Sleep," Was all he said. "I'll take care of Nashi."

Lucy could barely keep her eyes open long enough to see Natsu close the door. Natsu shut it quietly, and went next door to the nursery. He silently unwrapped his son from the blankets. He looked from the cradle to the changing table; both a pristine new white. Natsu guessed that it wasn't right to put a newborn baby to bed while naked. So he set Nashi down in the cradle, only barely waking him up. Nashi whimpered and wiggled, but Natsu shushed him.

"Hey ~ Nashi, look at this cool dragon that Lucy and I got you! Rawr!" Natsu placed the plush beside his son. Quickly grabbing a diaper and onesie during the brief distraction, Natsu set up the changing table. Fresh diaper, pajamas, and finally, Nashi. Natsu struggled with the simple task. Nashi would not lie still and let the diaper be put on him. Natsu didn't want to hurt his son and force him still, so the diaper was put on loosely, and barely holding on. The pajamas turned out to be a braver endeavor, one to which Natsu gave up.

"Silly little guy, aren't you? Don't like your pj's. Well, I've got a back up plan!"

Natsu laid his son back in the cradle. Instead of pajamas, he added a few extra blankets. Natsu briefly considered taking the plushie out, but decided not to. He grew up with a dragon — no reason why Nashi couldn't.

Once Natsu was sure that Nashi was asleep, he quietly left the room. Or at least as quietly as Natsu could. He didn't try to close the door- as it could wake his son. But as he reached his room and opened the door, it gave a loud creak. Natsu flinched with the noise, both eyes clamped shut. Slowly, he opened one, then the other. Lucy had sat up in bed. Her elbows propped her up on her pillow. She gave a lighthearted smile.

"Natsu. You have never been good at being quiet. I'll go check to see if you woke up Nashi."

She tossed her covers aside and sat up. When she put her feet on the ground, she could feel how tired she was. Her legs were sore, as was her stomach. She sighed under her breath, but Natsu caught it.

"Lucy, just go to sleep. I'll check on Nashi."

Lucy chuckled, then stopped. It hurt. Moving back the covers, she let her husband check on the newborn. Lucy worried secretly for him. She saw his broad shoulders leave the room. And it worried her more. He was so strong, so physical. He may not understand the needs of a weak child. Lucy could only hope that he would learn. But, he's not the best student.

Natsu peeked in the nursery. Nashi was there, in his cradle. His eyes were shut loosely. The dragon stuffy laid next to him on the bed. The arms were stretched out around Nashi's body — as if hugging the child. Nashi's skin had lost its pink hue, and Natsu could see a small wisp of pale colored hair. Natsu wanted Nashi to open his eyes — if only for a brief second. Gajeel had reacted so strongly when Nayeli had opened her eyes. So Natsu wondered what was so special about a small pair of eyes.

But Nashi wasn't awake. Natsu couldn't see his eyes. He glanced around, hoping Lucy wasn't around. Then he slowly reached into the cradle towards Nashi. Natsu put his fingers on the baby's eyelids and pulled. Natsu looked over the cradle. All he could see was the whites of his son's eyes. Nothing special. And then Nashi awoke.

There was nothing special to Nashi's waking. He shut his eyes and opened his mouth. Flailing his arms about, he cried. And cried. Natsu tried to silence his son, but with no success.

"Shh! You'll wake Lucy!" Natsu begged.


Natsu groaned, and turned around. There was his wife, leaning against the door frame. There was a smirk on her face; Natsu had been caught.

"What did you do?"

"Um... eh... I..." Natsu panicked trying to find the right words. Even if he told the truth, Lucy would still be angry. He hadn't even been a father for a full day, and he had already made the baby cry.

Lucy sighed and shook her head. Natsu would forever be Natsu. Lucy walked towards their baby and carefully picked him up. She held him close and rocked him gently.

"Shh. It's okay Nashi. Momma's here. Forgive poppa, okay?"

Natsu frowned a large frown. He put on a pouting face and crossed his arms. He hoped Lucy would laugh at his 'tantrum'.

"Lucy ~ It's not fair!" He whined. "I just wanted to look at his eyes!"

Lucy chuckled. Her husband, forever a child inside. "He'll open them when he wants to. Just go back to bed. This time, I'll tuck Nashi in."

Natsu nodded and headed back. He felt stupid. Lucy immediately knew what to do. But Natsu? The only thing he could do well was make Nashi cry.

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