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"So, Natsu." Gray pushed. "How're you liking the train?"

"Don't be mean, Gray!" Happy chirped.

"I'll... I'll — euhh." Natsu melted further into the train's chair. Needless to say, it was not his choice of transit. Happy sat next to him, and Gray sat across from him, fully aware of the torment that Natsu was suffering.

"Arriving at... Kunugi Station."

The train slowed to a stop, and Natsu jumped up. His lungs worked again, and his stomach had settled. "Let's GO!"

"Aye aye!" Happy flew in circles over his friend's head.

Gray pulled himself up from the chair, forgetting to take his shirt with him. Natsu caught sight of this, and immediately the old wheels in his brain started turning. He reached out for the shirt, and threw it out the window. Gray watched as it flew away, caught by the wind.

"You idiot!" He cried, staring after it. "Do you know how dead I'm going to be?! Juvia will kill me!"

Natsu couldn't control his laughter. He buckled over, still in the train car, and rolled around on the floor. Happy watched from above, silencing his chuckles with his paws. Despite their marriage, Juvia was still just as ruthless about her love rivals, even if there wasn't any.

Gray glared at Natsu, but a grin spread across his lips. Looking past Natsu, he could see the conductor climbing back on the train. The train shifted. Natsu immediately picked it up. His eyes widened in fear. He stood up from the floor and clambered towards the window. He pushed it open as the train began to move. Halfway in and halfway out, the sickness set in. Natsu flopped like a limp noodle, hanging out of the window.

"B- bastard..." Was all he could manage.

Happy shook his head. "Poor Natsu. Gray, what stop are we getting off at?"

"We were supposed to get off at Kunugi Station. But flame brain here got carried away." Gray chuckled, "So we'll ride it to Oshibana station and back again. I'm sure Natsu will love it."

Gray laughed, and Happy just shook his head and went to pull Natsu back into the car.


"Finally!" Natsu cried as the train stopped. "We're back at Kunugi Station! Let me OFF this thing!"

He jumped up and headed out of the train; no distractions this time held him back. He was off that train as fast as the conductor would let him. Gray followed at a slower pace, watching as Natsu and Happy ran ahead. Gray himself was looking for his lost shirt. Juvia truly would kill him if he didn't find it.

As Gray was looking around, he could see a familiar face in the crowd. His shaggy black hair, the cross shaped scar on his face, and the red fairy on his right shoulder. Gray caught his eyes in the middle of a frantic search. As soon as Mest saw Gray, he ran for him.

"Gray! Where's Natsu?" Mest was covered in sweat and his breath was staggered.

"What's going on?" Gray's eyes were wide with worry.

Mest waved away Gray's question and repeated his own. "Where is Natsu? It's Lucy — somethings wrong!"

Across the station, Natsu paused. He hoped his ears had heard wrong. He turned around, and saw Gray with a member of the guild. It didn't take long for Natsu to recognize the man. Mest — and his teleportation magic that was only used in emergencies. Natsu didn't need to go back and ask what was wrong. He grabbed Happy out of the air and ran out of town.

"Happy! Max Speed! Now!"

Happy grabbed his friend and stretched his wings. Happy wanted to ask Natsu what was wrong, but he had that look. The look that said don't mess with me.

"Natsu!" Gray called as he watched the mage fly away. "Natsu! What are you doing?"

Natsu didn't even look back as he threw a response on the wind. "Lucy!"

Gray looked back to Mest. His eyes had closed, and he had slumped onto the ground. His magic was completely gone. He had looked for them for a while. Gray shook his shoulder to wake him. "Mest — what is wrong with Lucy?"

Mest looked up, straight into Gray's eyes. "She fell, and didn't get up. Makarov says her labor started. And she's still unconscious."

Gray looked back to where Natsu went. He was long gone with Happy. But Kunugi Station was far from Magnolia. Two stations was a long flight for Happy. It must've been a long way for Mest. "Rest. I'll get two tickets on the next train home."

Natsu could feel Happy slowing down. The wind had lessened, and the pair had started to drop. They were halfway between Onibus Station and Magnolia. There was still a ways to go. But Happy dropped from the sky.

Natsu fell, his mind gathered enough to catch Happy on the way down. As soon as his feet touched the ground he was off; Happy cradled in his arms.

  "Hold on Luce. I'm  coming."

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