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"Let me stay like this for a while." Natsu mumbled into Lucy's shoulder.

Lucy could feel the chills running up and down her back where Natsu touched her. His chest was wide and warm against her shoulders. She suddenly felt small next to him — a strangely welcome emotion. If she closed her eyes, she could smell him. He was like a gentle fire, and set aflame her senses.

"Na- Natsu..." She breathed. In response, she could feel his head nod against her shoulder. "I- I have your clothes. I really think you should put them on now."

Natsu heaved a sigh. He didn't want to move from Lucy. Her waist suddenly seemed so slim against his arms. He felt like if he let her go she would break. But there was something in her voice that told him he better let go. Some form of fear in her voice. He slowly slipped his arms off her waist, and stood up straight behind her. He turned to look away as he walked deeper into the house.

Lucy felt the sudden coldness from where he touched her. Her body screamed for him to return, but Lucy pushed the feeling away. Sucking in a breath of air, she turned to look at Natsu. His back was turned to her, and she could see the blush on his ears. His back was wide, and Lucy wanted to trace every muscle that was defined. But she held herself back.

"Natsu, I have your clothes. You should get dressed, we'll need to head to the guildhall soon." She held out his clothes.

Without a word or even a look, he took his clothes from her and headed to his room. In his mind he was already alone again with her. But the fear that was in her voice kept him from fully thinking about it. He didn't want to scare her ever again.

Lucy watched silently as her husband walked away. Barely making it to the couch, she fell down. The couch was covered in his scent, and only now did Lucy actively find it. Inside her head she could feel two distinct things — the animalistic urge to want more, and the small voice in her head that told her no, now wasn't the time.

Sighing heavily, she found herself recreating the feeling of him on her back. It was warm, and comforting. Natsu was warm and comforting. She wished that she had waited a little longer before chasing him away.


"Dammit Natsu."

The pink haired man slipped one leg into his pants, followed by the next. Slowly he pulled his shirt over his arms, and buttoned it up over his chest.

"Dammit." He repeated. "Why can't I control that? What am I going to do if I really scare her away?"

He groaned loudly and pulled at his face. Inside he could feel the torment that he had just caused. He had made Lucy scared, and couldn't control himself. It was the worst combination. Sighing heavily he closed his eyes. The picture of her walking down the aisle was still there, but he couldn't stop the ringing in his ears. The constant repeat of her fearful voice was enough to drive him mad. "Dammit."

Natsu grabbed at the vest that was laid out on his bed. It was mostly dry now, but he could still feel the coolness throughout the entire fabric. Lucy had been careful not to get it too wet. She was thoughtful of him. But I wasn't. Dammit.

Once Natsu had the vest on, he grabbed at the tie. Looking at it like some strange device, he groaned. He had no idea how to tie a tie. So he had no choice but to exit the room with it hung over his neck. As he reached the living room, he could see his bride. There she was, sitting on the couch with her eyes closed. He watched her in silence once more.

"Lucy?" He finally said.

Shooting up, Lucy's eyes flew open. Behind her she could see Natsu; fully dressed this time. He shyly pointed to his tie.

"I, uh... Kinda need help with this." Was all he said.

So Lucy stood up and walked over to her husband. Her thin hands went up to his tie, and Natsu had to forcefully keep his hands in his pockets. Lucy breathed lightly. Natsu could feel it on his chest; her breath was blissfully warm and smelled sweet. When she was done, her hands dropped to an awkwardly held position in front of her skirt.

"You know, Natsu... I'm sorry if I hurt you. But you just- surprised me, is all."

He looked down tenderly at the woman in front of him. Her face was downcast as she looked at the floor. Sighing gently, he rested his hand underneath her chin. Slowly he raised her face to his.

"Look, Lucy, I'm sorry too. I don't know what came over me. But, you're just so amazing. I can't control myself when I see you dressed up so perfectly." He paused. "Hell, even dressed normally you're amazing. I mean... I..."

Natsu trailed off, caught in the eyes of the woman he loved. Her eyes had suddenly become so vast, so emotional that he couldn't tear his thoughts away from them. Gently, he raised her head a little bit more as he dropped his own. He whispered "May I?"

Lucy closed her eyes as she lifted her face to meet his. Their lips met. It wasn't hot or emotional. It was small, and light. But the two breathed together, never losing pace with their partner. Natsu pulled away first, to rest his forehead on hers.

"I... I love you, Lucy."

Lucy opened her eyes to see the man who had said those words. His face wasn't red at all, and he looked deep into her eyes. His lips were slightly parted, and he breathed heavily. Lucy leaned back up to give him a gentle kiss, and she smiled.

"Of course, baka. I love you too."

The two smiled at each other without breaking apart. Natsu slowly pulled a hand out from his pocket and took Lucy's small hand into his hand. She intertwined her fingers with his and led the way to the door. They had a reception to go to.

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