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Mom, Dad,

Don't worry. We've gone off to help Uncle Natsu with his job. We'll let you know when we reach Crocus. Be back Soon!

Gael, Nashi, Subaru, and Freyr.

"Dammit!" Gray yelled as he slammed the paper down.

Juvia quietly picked up the paper and read it. Her heart dropped. She glanced to the front door of the house. Gael's shoes were gone, as were Nashi's. Juvia sighed as she turned to her husband.

Gray was running his hands through his hair again. Juvia could see the strands he was pulling out caught in his hand. The words that Gray was mumbling under his breath were not kind. Juvia walked over and held his hands in her own smaller ones. Gray looked at his wife.

"It's okay. Juvia and Gray-sama will find them." Juvia tried to comfort him, but they both could hear the rain beginning to fall.

"They left two hours ago!" Gray yelled. "We don't know how far they went!"

Gray could feel the heaves of his chest with each breath. The tension he held could not be removed. He looked to Juvia again. Her face had fallen, and she had begun to reveal the rain woman within her. Her tears wouldn't stop.

"Oh, oh no, shh." Gray pulled his wife into a hug. He could feel her tears on his shoulder immediately. "We'll find them. I'm sure of it. Besides, there's only one road to Crocus — right?"

Juvia nodded from within Gray's hug. Her daughter, her Gael-chan, was out there. The only other rain woman Juvia had ever known. The only child she could ever have.

"C'mon," Gray pulled back. Grabbing an umbrella, he turned to the door. "Let's go get them."

Juvia followed, unwilling to let go of her husband's arm. Once they were outside they began to walk. It began in silence but soon Gray could hear the sniffles. He put his arm around Juvia's shoulders and held her close.

"Gray-sama," Juvia began. "Juvia is worried. Gael — Gael-chan is away. What if it begins to rain for her?"

Gray rubbed her shoulder, hoping to comfort her. "Nashi's there. He can help her. Just like I helped you." Gray barely spoke the last part.

Juvia hugged her husband even harder, and looked to the ground. The rain had darkened the cobblestone path. Juvia could barely see the stones, her vision was so blurred by the tears. She tried to blink them away, but all she felt was them running down her face.

Gray felt her hug even harder. He willed the rain to stop. He didn't like it when it rained. Juvia didn't like it when it rained. She loved the sun.

Juvia looked up. She looked up to the sky, and thought she saw a peek of yellow. Blinking, she only saw the clouds and the umbrella above her head. She sighed and looked back to the ground.

Gray stopped. "Juvia! Look!"

He stopped and pointed ahead. There was a head of yellow hair poking just above the crest of a hill. Juvia looked hard, hoping for a blue head to follow. Gray and Juvia watched anxiously.

As Nashi's head came into sight, so did Natsu's. He was carrying Nashi on his shoulders — with Nashi hugging his father's head. The next people to come into view were Happy and Freyr, side by side. Following the two families, the rest of the children came. Subaru was next to Natsu. And on his other side, a small head of blue hair popped up. She was holding onto Natsu's hand.

As Gael came into full view, Juvia's hands went up to her mouth. She could hardly keep the tears from coming back out. She ran towards her daughter. Gael stopped, and held her arms out for her mother. Juvia pulled her daughter into her arms. Gray walked up quietly. He watched as Gael wove her fingers into her mother's hair. Gael looked to her dad, and smiled.

Slowly, Gray felt the rain stop. With one last glance to the sky, he walked towards Natsu. And punched him.

"Hey ~" Natsu whined. He looked at Gray.

Gray nodded to Natsu. He looked better. His eyes were no longer downcast. His shoulders no longer folded by a weight. And Nashi smiled at Gray.

"Uncle Gray," He started. "Can I take my stuff back home?"

Gray laughed, and punched Natsu in the shoulder again. "As soon as Flamer here gets the place cleaned up, okay?"

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