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Nashi held his uncle's hand as his father once more left him behind. Natsu's backpack was fully packed, and his blanket was safely stored. Happy looked behind with one final look to the little golden haired boy as his dad disappeared over the hill.

Nashi turned to look at his aunt and uncle. He was staying at their place yet another time. Nashi knew what was wrong. He gently held his mother's keys in his small hand. He traced the key of Taurus. As Gray and Juvia went into the house, Nashi followed. In the past two years he had spent more time with them than he had his father. Once he was in the house, he went upstairs to his room. It saddened Nashi that he had his own room.

Nashi closed the door as quietly as he could. If Gael knew he was there, she would come. But Nashi didn't want her there for the moment. Once he was certain that the door was closed, he pulled Taurus' key off the ring.

"Open — Gate of the Golden Bull — Taurus!"

Taurus materialized, but as a smaller version of himself. He couldn't risk overusing Nashi's power by calling out his full form.

"Yes, Nashi?"

Nashi took a breath, then began. "Dad went on a job again. I want to go with him. But, he left me here again."

Taurus crossed his arms and nodded. Nashi sure did like calling him for advice. He looked at the little boy — his hair wild like his father's, but the color of his mothers. Even his eyes were like her. Warm and deep, but focused and unrelenting. So Taurus sighed, and surrendered.

"Where is he going?"


"The capital? What for?"

"He's being a bodyguard to the Queen for a while. There's no end date either."

Taurus groaned. Thankfully, it wasn't a dangerous job, but Nashi was still only four years old. And Taurus could tell that he missed his mother. She was a mother who cared for her son. A mother that was Taurus' good friend. A friend that Taurus cared deeply for.

"Nashi," He started.

"Oh No!" Nashi said. "It's never good when you say my name like that!" He huffed. "I'm not a kid anymore Taurus!"

"Yes, You Are!" Taurus raised his voice. "You are four years old! You can't even stand to summon me full-sized!"

"That's because you never let me!" Nashi cried.

Taurus groaned, and lowered his voice. If Gray found out that Taurus was letting Nashi summon him, he would break his horn, again.

"Look; Lucy was my wizard. But she was also my friend." Taurus watched as Nashi sat still after hearing his mother's name. "She loves you, even from beyond the grave. And she wants nothing to bad happen to you. She doesn't want to see you hurt."

Nashi huffed. "She wouldn't want dad to be hurt either. And he's hurting more than me."

Taurus was taken back. This small child — a child who had only just started to dress like his father, the billowy pants, the black vest — was worried about his father. Nashi stared down Taurus. He wasn't going to give in.

"Look — I won't help you. But, I won't stop you. Okay?"

Nashi huffed. "Fine. Fat lotta good you were."

"Hey!" Taurus whined as he started to disappear. "I'm not fat!"

Once he was fully gone, Nashi heard a knock at his door. He quickly shoved Taurus' key back on the loop as he opened the door. There stood Gael, dressed like her mother. She wore a dark purple dress with brown toggle buttons. Over her shoulders, she wore a small covering with a fluffy white trim. Gael's hair was not curled into perfect ringlets, however. Her hair fell down to her shoulders wildly. Gael blew her bangs out of her eyes.

"I heard everything."

Nashi groaned inwardly. "Don't tell Uncle Gray, PLEASE!"

"I won't," Gael whispered, glancing around. "I even have a plan to help you."

Nashi's eyes darted around the hall. Gray and Juvia were nowhere to be seen. Nashi grabbed Gael's shoulder and pulled her into his room. Careful not to slam the door, he closed it as quickly as possible. When he turned back, Gael was looking around his room. The walls were completely bare. On his bed, there was an old quilt that depicted a red dragon. His pillows were plain white, and the only other thing in his room was a worn old dragon stuffy that Gael knew well — Atlas.

"So?" Nashi pushed. "What's the plan?"

Gael smiled widely as she sat down next to her friend. She motioned for Nashi to lean in, so she could whisper. Slowly, she revealed her plan with a feeling of mystery.

"Mom and Dad are going away on a date tonight, they're even getting ready now." Nashi groaned inwardly, that meant a babysitter. "But, I've convinced them to let Subaru babysit us. She can help us catch up to your dad! And even Freyr is supposed to visit us tonight. He can help too."

Nashi nodded as the plan fell into place. Gael returned to her room to wait while Gray and Juvia got ready. When they were at the door to leave, so were Gael and Nashi, waving goodbye with great smiles on their faces. Once Subaru arrived, Freyr followed soon after. The children gathered together in the living room to discuss their plan.

"We leave now — gather all the magical items you can! Anything could turn out to be of use." Subaru ordered.

"Don't forget food, we'll be gone for well over a day at least!" Freyr called as he began to empty the cupboard.

Gael began to write up a note to her parents as Nashi finished packing the bags.

Mom, Dad,

Don't worry. We've gone off to help Uncle Natsu with his job. We'll let you know when we reach Crocus. Be back Soon!

Gael, Nashi, Subaru, and Freyr.

She read the note aloud, and everyone agreed it was good. So, with backpacks all around, the children quietly left the house. Gael carefully locked the door behind her, and checked that every window was closed. The group waited for her on the road. As soon as she was caught up, the group began to walk. Freyr flew above and warned them if anyone was coming. It was then Freyr thought of something.

"How do we get to Crocus?"

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