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                        Rudy's POV
    I had been in the hospital 4 days when the news that was heart breaking to many arrived. The war had just ended. The surrender had been signed in Tokyo Bay on the USS Missouri. Many around me wept and cried out when the news was read out loud but I rolled over and smiled. I cried so many happy tears the young nurse, who I now knew was named Clementine, patted my back trying to sooth my supposedly unhappy tears. I could see Liesel in a few days! Would she fly into my arms and cry into my shoulder? Would she look at me as if she'd seen a ghost? Would she even be there waiting for me? I wanted out if this god forsaken hospital and back to my Liesel. "Clementine, when can I leave the hospital? I want to go back to my friends." She looked at me innocently. "Well, um, I suppose you could leave later today. But haven't you been feeling sick again? I could've sworn your fever went back up." She lied. "I need to get back to my Liesel, I don't care how sick I might be." I whined. She pouted and walked off to find a release form. The poor kid liked me and was jealous of Liesel whom she'd never met. It was very silly to think about; I couldn't wait to tell Liesel every detail from the day I lost her to the day I rejoin her. "I'm coming home Liesel" I whispered. Home may not be in Munich, but it was with Liesel.

Yeah I'm aware this is 800 words shorter than my other chapters but bear with me, something big is coming up!

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