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Liesels POV
     I stepped off of the bridge into Norway quickly, expecting to feel a jolt of energy as a crossed into a whole new world. Kristiansand Norway was a small port with people hurrying about to find their incoming friends. Rudy looked for his grandparents or someone he knew from his two visits but couldn't recognize anyone.

    "They live not to far from here, come on." He grabbed my suitcase and smiled nervously. "What do you think Max has been doing here?" I asked. I couldn't wait to finally see my "brother" again. I couldn't imagine Max in a danger free environment.

     "He's probably been listening to my grandfather's complaints about the economy and my grandmother's talk about her recipes." He said, still nervous. His nervousness made me nervous too. Were his grandparents really that bad? I've never met my grandparents, from either sets of parents. "Here we are!" He stopped me in front of a tall slender white house with a bright yellow door. Flower boxes were in front of each of the windows.

     "Rudy! Oh Rudy, my sweet enkel! You are back! You were supposed to be back in a few months, it's been half a year!" An old rosy cheeked woman threw her arms in the air and attacked Rudy in a shower of kisses. "Oma, please stop. I've brought Liesel." He said tugging away and pulling me into view. She raised a hand to her open mouth, "Oh Rudy! You sure have gotten yourself a beauty! Are you to married yet? No?! Well Rudy better fix that!" She wrapped me in her chubby arms and Rudy turned scarlet. "Oma, maybe you would like to make some of your apple cider for Liesel?" Rudy said, motioning for me to go inside. "Oh Liesel! It truly is delicious! Take a seat in the parlor won't you?" She wobbled into the kitchen.

   She had the same walking style as Rosa except it had a more cheerful air. "Your Oma is, um, very excited." I told Rudy while I admired all the little china figurines that lined the mantle. "Most Omas are." He said. "I'm sorry I didn't mean..." he started to apologize. "I know I don't have any family, you don't have to apologize for acknowledging it. Speaking of family, where is Max?" I wondered over to the doorway. "Frau Steiner? Where is Max?" She spun around in the kitchen. "Oh! I didn't say? He is married now! It was a splendid wedding, all pretty with white tablecloths. It was out doors of course since they are Jewish..." she started to ramble on.

   I ran back into the parlor and colapsed in Rudy's arms. "Liesel! What is wrong?" He wrapped his arms around me. "M-Max is married!" I wept. "That's great! But why are you crying?" He lifted my face. "I know it's great and it means he is happy but I'm his favorite!" I said. I knew I was being selfish but I have always been Maxs' favorite person! And now he has found someone better than me?!

     Rudy stood up and I slid down on the couch, still weeping. "Oma? Where is Max now?" I heard his voice in the Kitchen. "Oh, he is out on the edge of town. It's 56 Land street, it's just a hop over the bridge!" "Will he be home right now?" "Well, he works at the grocers until about 5:00. His wife should be home! It's 4:30 so by the time you get there he will be home in a little bit!" I choked on a sob when she said wife. My 'brother' didn't even wait for me to return to get married!

    The door squeaked shut as Rudy made his way out to Maxs' home. I sat up and hugged a pillow to me chest. "Liesel! I have the apple cider!" She stretched her words out in a singing voice. "I'm sorry Liesel. When I was little my sister ran away from and got married. She had a big wedding and never told us! She had a boy too. He died in the war, the poor little dear." She smiled at me as I sipped the sugary cider. "Now Liesel, since you are practically my Enkelin in law, what have you done in your life? How did you come across my handsome Enkel?" She elbowed me. I was reluctant to tell her but I hated sitting in silence with strangers. "My mama is a communist. In 1939 she sent me and Werner to a foster home. Werner died.  Rudy has been my only friend. Our families, well your family too, died in the bombing. We have been separated up until a week ago. Wait, has it really only been a week?!" I shot up.

    I ran every event that had happened in the span of only seven days through my head. I fell to my knees and puked all over the spotless hardwood. "Oh dear!" Oma shrilled. My head was spinning and I knew I would faint in a few moments. I coughed up more sick. "Oh dear! Liesel! My poor dear!" She hugged me from behind. "Let go!" I yelled before I fell into the puddle on the floor.

      I woke up feeling scrubbed clean for the first time in ages. I patted the clean white bedspread to pull me into reality, to keep me from feeling like I'm floating. "Rudy." I coughed out. I squinted through the white light of the little bedroom with its delicate lace curtains. "No Oma!" I heard Rudy say in the distance. "You are sure?" Oma said quiter. "Of course not!" Rudy stormed into my room.

     "Liesel!" Rudy grabbed my hand and kissed it. "Liesel, Max and his wife are here. They are waiting downstairs in the kitchen." He pushed my hair from in front of my eyes. "Help me down stairs." I commanded Rudy. I slipped my feet into the red slippers laying on the floor and stood slowly. "What is she like?" I whispered to Rudy before leaving the room. "If I'm being honest she seems perfect for Max in every single way." He tried to smile. I felt bad for wanting her to be an awful witch, Max deserved someone perfect. Expecially after the camp.

    The girl sitting next to Max in the kitchen seemed to fit in with Max perfectly. She herself looked quite bird like, but not like a crow, more like a sweet little dove. "Liesel!" Max jumped from his chair nearly toppling it over. I started to cry into his shoulder when I looked up to see his wife sitting their smiling shyly.

     "Hallo." I said to her from over Maxs' shoulder. "Hallo Liesel, I'm Zipporah." She waved at me awkwardly. Max released me from his embrace. "You have grown so tall Liesel!" he grinned at me wholeheartedly. "Zipporah, why don't you go help Liesel freshen up for dinner." He smiled lovingly at his little wife. When she stood up I found her to be about an inch shorter than me which was very odd when she stood next to nearly six foot tall Max.

    "Are we dining out?" I asked little Zipporah . "Apparently Max has decided to!" She giggled. She didn't seem to be at all serious and acted like a schoolgirl yet she had something about her that made her fit with Max perfectly.

     Zipporah hopped around the white room I had been sleeping in. She flung open the doors of the little wardrobe showing off bunches of floral cotton dresses. She pulled out a brown dress with pink and red flowers and I thin brown ribbon around the waist. She heald it up to me and it fell just below my knees.

     "Let me do your hair please, it's so lovely. I can't help but be jealous!" She sat me down in front of a vanity and started pinning the sides back and teasing it. I don't understand how she could be jealous of my nest of hair when she had her own thick black hair that curled prettily at the ends.  "Done!" She said, giving my hair one last fluff. The sides of my hair were pinned back leaving my face clear. Zipporah had even managed to make my curls into shiny ringlets.

      "Liesel, are we friends?" Zipporah  whispered while I admired her work. "Of course, Zipporah."


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