Chapter 5: The Water Zoo

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Author's Note: What's up people!!!! Peace ( my username nickname) is here! I updated early cuz I liked the last chapter. <3

I've decided not to do the Thank special. gomen Nasai!!!

Ima watching Fairy Tail with my older bro and it feels good to watch it. Ima going to put some couples in dis chapter. I hope u like!!!!

Disclaimer: Do I even have to say it.

* sigh* Fairy Tail no mine


"HELL YEA! WERE FINALLY IN THE SHARK ZONE!" Natsu said with his fists in the air.

"How the hell did I get paired up with you," Lucy mumbled and face-palming herself.


It was a Saturday and Erza, Jellal, Gray, Juvia, ( Lucy has finally meet her but Juvia's first thoughts were ' Love Rival!') Gajeel, Levy, Lucy,  Natsu, Wendy, and Romeo has arrived to the aquarium.

"Ohayo minna!" Lucy said As she was the last one to arrive.

" Damn Luce you take forever," Natsu said which caused Lucy to pout.

"Since everyone is here, we will go separate ways. We will have 5 groups of 2 people. Mirajane helped with the pairings," Erza informed. Everyone sweat-dropped when they heard the last statement.

Ever since Lucy met the gang, Mirajane became the matchmaking demon. She always wanted to see a couple bloom and she would be making up schemes to do so.

" This is what she came up with.

1. Romeo & Wendy

2. Gray & Juvia

3. Gajeel & Levy

4. Jellal & Erza

and finally

5. Natsu & Lucy"

"Now time to enjoy our selves. Lets meet up in 3 hours and 30 min."


And with that everyone separated.

$$$$$$$End of Flashback$$$$$$$$

"Mira was the one who paired us up," Natsu replied.

Lucy sighed, "I know Natsu, I know. Oh look! I saw a hammerhead shark!" she pointed towards the glass and beyond the glass was a shark with a horizontal head.

"It looks so funny," Lucy giggled.

' Awww she is so cute. Wait what did I just thought?' Natsu was surprised of what he just thought. 'Bad brain! Lucy is just a friend. A good friend.Yet she is nice and kind. She is also so Gorgeous!'

"Gwah!!!" Natsu suddenly yelled while pulling on his hair. 'I can't think of Lucy That way!'

"What's wrong Natsu?" Lucy asked tilting her head in confusion.

"N-nothing L-Lucy," He stumbled on his words. "L-let's continue looking at the fishes." he grabbed Lucy by the hand and dragged her to a different tank.

The rest of the pairs were enjoying themselves as well.

Jellal bought Erza a piece of strawberry cake and they both shared it.

Levy bought a chibi panther plushy (just like Panther Lily) for Gajeel, and he blushed a bit.

Gray opened up to Juvia and 'friend' hugged her, which made her squeal in delight.

Romeo bought a sapphire necklace for Wendy. And in return, she pecked him on the cheek.


¥¥¥¥¥ 2 hrs and 25 min later ¥¥¥¥¥


"Natsu, I think we're lost."

"Nonsence. I ain't bad with directions Luce."

"We passed the clown fishes 4 times already."

"I thought they were minnows."

"Baka! Who do they look alike!?" Lucy smacked Natsu on the back of his head.

"Ow, Lucy your strong." Natsu said in surprise.

"Natsu look!" Lucy pointed at an area that said 'Fish Feeding'.

"Before we meet up, can we go please!" Lucy begged with puppy eyes.

"Alright. Lets go!" Natsu said. And they both went towards the area.


A/n: I hope you like >U<. If anyone didn't notice I put in Nalu, Gruvia, Gale, Rowen, and Jerza. NOBODY UPDATED THIS WEEK AND IT WAS SO BORING. >o<



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