Chapter 2 - Staying For The Night

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A/N - I'm posting this in the free time of my Multimedia class so if there are typos, I'll go and fix them later, and I'll fill you all on when my next update will be and what's going on in the life of Miss. Author XD 



Alice had brought Yona's group into her small home. It was merely two rooms both rather small. but sufferable. Yona looked around the room. It was a rather cold home, a pile of blankets, cloaks, sheets, anything warm was in a corner of one room and in the other was a cabinet with many drawers filed with god knows what. The ground was adorned with random rugs of different designs and sizes to cover the dirt and the walls were sturdy enough but still contained deformed and warped areas. Alice pulled out a soft mattress and lay it across the ground placing 7 forms of warmth in a pile on it, then turned to them smiling.

"You can use this mattress and these covers. There is enough for one a piece so don't be greedy. It's not the most fancy place but I figured it might be better than the woods around this village. I hope you don't mind the mess."

Yona smiled softly at Alice. "It's alright, we appreciate the gesture Alice." She ran around and grabbed a square wooden frame before saying 'she had to move it', but Yona stopped her. "Hey, there's something on your wood there. On the corner." Alice laughed a bit, a bitter low laugh as she spoke up.

"Yeah, it's just a bit of blood. This is what the villagers threw at me the other day went I was out heading into the woods. The corner hit my head, but it was study wood so I took it with me." Everyone just stared at her, their expressions blank as Yun spoke up.

"You just took off without doing anything to your head! What about the bleeding. Did it cause anything wrong? Dizziness, fatigue, concussion maybe?" Alice only chuckled before dashing off and putting the frame out of sight, came back and just smiled, a bright smile like before.

"I'm just fine. I'm pretty use to the harsh ways if the village so it doesn't effect me much anymore. It's nothing more than a mosquito bite. Thanks for the concern though." She grabbed a nearby small and worn basket that she would use to gather the needed herbs for Hak's arm, Yona's ankle and Yun's cheek; as well as something for food. Shin-ah looked at the door she walked through as Yona tapped his shoulder.

He looked at her, his mask and lined mouth looking at her. She only smiled and pushed him slightly. He then nodded as he left and followed Alice. He suddenly picked up pace as he saw Alice across the plane in the woods being beaten with sticks and pelted with rocks with his dragon eyes. Her body was covered in a ball as she twitched, even more cuts and bruises forming on her pale exposed skin.

The villagers attacking her halted and took off as they heard, then eventually saw, Shin-ah run towards them. He regained himself from running after them as he went to Alice. Small cuts produced small dots of blood and bruises already began to show on her skin as she started to pick herself off the ground, dusting herself off, loose dirt and rocks falling from her tattered dress and skin. Shin-ah twitched and wanted to reach out to her but she only stood up smiling. She then turned and picked up her basket. She shifted away from him as he reached out and grabbed her upper arm stopping her. She only smiled.

"It's okay. This happens a lot. They're shallow so they'll heal quickly enough. Don't worry about it." He slowly released her arm as he aided her in gathering herbs and ingredients. He then walked her back in silence. He stood behind her as she re-entered the village. She got scowls and glares, all noticed by Shin-ah. His mask was focused on her back. His gaze shifted all over her body, the blood dried on her legs and arms and the bruises were brown and blue, her back seemed to have a hidden anguish to it. She returned back and everyone rushed to her side wondering what had happened. She waved it off as she explained and merely said she tripped down a hill. Nobody seemed to believe it, but they didn't want to push the issue of someone they just met.

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