Final A/N

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Welp, here we are.  I can understand if most of you are pretty confused as to why I never warned y'all about an update, let alone the final chapter.  Here's why (a few reasons). 

1) I was suffering from plot ideas and writers block.  Recently, I've been able to write for a lot of things, but this particular story.  I don't know why, but I came up with this idea, because after the main plot hit, I had no idea on where I wanted this to go, so before I messed it up even more, I decided to end it.

2) I didn't have much drive to write this anymore, because I've been pretty busy, but I wasn't about to be one of those writers that does a permanent hiatus or discontinues something, so I tried to end it on a semi-reasonable note.  If y'all still have questions about something, just comment it or message me, it's no big deal.  I'll answer back with answer as fast as I can. 

3) Different fandoms have been eating me aliiiiiiive. I've been watching/reading so much stuff in my free time that I've been overwhelmed.  Like, for example, for Voltron Legendary Defenders fandom, I've been writing a story on that, I've even started a 2 shot for Criminal Minds, which is mind blowing honestly for me (Considering the fact I hardly watch TV).  Honestly, if y'all were to look at my drive, you'd understand.  Also with Yuri!!! On Ice recently destroying my life, it's been something of a spectral.

4) I've become one with my creative Writing course in school and well with both 2 free writings a week, and multiple assigned ones to be done weekly, it's a bit much on a writers mind to do that and stories. 

5) WORRY NOT, FOR I WILL STILL POST STORIES, I JUST NEED TO KNOW WHICH ONES TO DO NEXT!!  I have a few ideas on a few fandoms, but I don't wanna do anything that doesn't seem appealing to you guys, my readers and follows.  So, if you have any suggestions on what to do just again, post them on my wall, message me, comment it, anything you feel up to.  If I don't know the fandom, I'll read about that fandom and decided if I should binge it to get a feel for it.  I'm open to all. 

6)  If you have no suggestions on what I should write, here's a list of things I'm currenly writting (beware):

Assassination Classroom

Creepypasta (Both an original and some with the Proxies)

D. Gray-man (dabbles; story being built)

Mystic Messenger (Two different stories)

One-shot suggestions (Could also include Reader Inserts, or your OC if you'd like)

Akagami no Shirayuki-hime (Not much, but open for suggestions if you want it)

An Original Work

Voltron Legendary Defenders


It may not be much, but hey it's a start.  I have MANY other shows and fandoms I'm in, so again, don't be afraid to request anything that isn't here. 

If you have any questions about anything above, message me, I will welcome you with open arms, or in this case, a hopefully, rapid reply. 

OTHER THAN THAT I HAVE NOTHING MORE TO SAY THAN THANK YOU FOR READING THIS BOOK AND (HOPEFULLY) ENJOYING IT!!!  Again, sorry for the short notice and rapid end, but I was running on fumes people. 



~Ms. Author Alice Out

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