Chapter 11 - Complete Bonds

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A/N - Soooo, I decided to write in my Inter. College Algebra class and then added a bit to a piece I have had written for a looooooong time to give you guys not only another chapter today, but a longer one.  I hope it doesn't get to confusing, and if it does, at the very end, I'ma have a really solid, easy explanation. XD Again, it's just because of my stupid writing style can be really hard to follow for my inability to convey what I'm imagining into words.  Anyways, here's another update annnnnnnd



Yun, Hak and Yona all stared out into the distance as well. Zeno, who was oddly serious for himself, shifted his gaze to Shin-ah. He was hidden under his mask, as per usual, but something in the way his line drawn mouth was, made it seem like he was on edge. He was scanning everywhere around that area. He was curious about that dragon, and he was also worried around Alice. That's when he caught something, just a glimpse, but it was enough to get him and the rest of them started.

"I see something." He pointed out with his gloved hands, his finger pointing in the area he was facing. The other dragons wanted nothing more than to go, including Shin-ah. It felt like a need to go, not just a want. It was something that pulled him towards the presence, something that he yearned for so much he felt like it would keep his breath rolling in and out of him. The other's must surely feel the same.

"Let's go." Shin-ah's gaze stayed on the horizon, while everyone else looked back to Yona. She was looking out over the wildlife just as Shin-ah, only a smile was slightly pulled across her face. She shifted her violet eyes to everyone else's gaze. "For some reason, I feel like I need to go. If there's another dragon's presence, it just seems wrong to leave them." She brought her hands to her chest before walked to stay behind Shin-ah, placing one hand on his shoulder and bending her knees to look into his mask. "I feel like Alice might be there too, I don't know why, but it my guts is saying that's what we need to do."

Shin-ah nodded slowly and silently, then the rest of the group soon understood. Yun sighed, but was secretly grateful for the chance to go, and hak just smirked at Yona's leadership skills and had decided to follow her anywhere. The dragon's felt the same way as Shin-ah did, and they were ready to go, whether Yona and the other two follow or not.

It wasn't long before the group was running towards the feeling pulling at their chests. The dragons took to the front of the group, while Hak followed, with him tailing behind everyone to make sure everyone stays safe. Shin-ah's eyes began to widen as he ran because through the tree, he kept getting more and more glimpses of the color of red, and occasionally a hint of blonde. The movement between the colors were also very noticeable.

"Alice." His voice was very quiet, however, Kija ran next to him, and heard what he had muttered. He looked at Shin-ah then he nodded to himself more than anything and shouted over his shoulder.

"The dragon's presence is close by! Not much farther now!" Pushing past bushes, running through leaves, around tree and bushes, soon they reached a large clearing that opened into the valley like canyon. They kept running with the change of scenery becoming rubble and rock, and soon turned a sharp corner and from the front of the group to the back, everyone skidded to an abrupt halt. Shin-ah nearly growled at the sight he was forced to see.

"Glad to see everyone could make it." A voice of a man. The same man Shin-ah loathed most out of every human alive and on the planet. The blonde man with his hair tied back and his multi colored eyes stood with his hands behind his back and a smirk on his face. He looked directly to Shin-ah and then to Yona as she glared back at him.

When Fates Intertwine And Create The Dawn - Shin-ah x (OC)Where stories live. Discover now