Chapter 3 - Apple Trees

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A/N - I've been trying to write this in any free time I have so I can update somewhat regular!  Yeah, we all know how that works with me XD  Well, none the less, here is the next chapter of my first AkaYona Story XD



It was morning now and Alice stirred awake, lifting her head off of the lap of the other young redhead. She looked around her small home she noticed the group of people sprawled about and sleeping peacefully. Yun was laying on the ground, as well as Zeno and Shin-ah, Shin-ah laying on top of his fur and Aoi close to him. Hak and Jae-ha leaned against a wall and slept as Yona did the same. Alice looked at the robe she still had on of Yona's and smiled as she stood and gathered her old dress and stepped into the back room to change.

Coming out later, she had folded the kimono neatly and placed it on Yona's lap, taking herself and her tattered old dress out of the hut. Once she left, the blue haired dragon opened his golden eyes and sat up. Aoi jumped up and rubs his eyes sleepily, mewling as he jumped and climbed up to Shin-ah's shoulder as Shin-ah gathered his fur and attached it back to his mask. He had woken up when Alice stood to go and change back into her old clothing. He didn't want to startle her, so he didn't get up right away, instead he'd keep an eye on her as she left.

He slowly stood as he pushed open the door to exit the small hut. He looked around, his far distance eyesight helping him in locating the redhead. She wore a hood over her hair, hiding it to save her the trouble of having it seen constantly. She was heading towards the forest, heading in there he saw her stop beside a tall apple tree. She sat down the basket she had with her as she jumped, grabbing hold of the lowest branch she could reach and pulling herself up with the little upper arm strength she had. She then positioned herself to sit on the branch as she reached around and gathered different sizes and shades of ripe, red apples.

He had noticed that she had a liking for apples really. He wondered if they were her favorite food or if she had nothing else to eat, he tried to think that she just preferred them, trying to put his mind to ease. He walked closer to her, trying not the startle her, she stood not too far from the tree she was in as he hid behind the trunk of another. He watched as she went to stand on the branch, reaching higher for the more sun bathed fruits. She stood on her toes as she removed on foot from the branch and as her fingertips grazed the skin of the fruit, her other bare foot that remained on the branch locked up and her balance was thrown off.

She had a look of panic on her face as she tried to reach out for another branch to save herself with but, the one she had grabbed was just too thin and fragile that it broke with ease under her weight. Falling from the branch, she wasn't expecting to fall onto something only to bounce off of it and not feel as much pain as she was expecting. She was dizzy as she shook her head and looked around, she noticed Shin-ah on the ground next to her, laying on his back as he propped himself up on his elbows and turned his face towards the girl.

Her hood had fallen down and the small amounts of sunlight that peered through the leaves glistened off it, as it was still partially cleaned from her bath last night with Yona. She began to laugh as Shin-ah smiled a bit as his mask began to slide off his face, freeing itself from the fur on the backside. He quickly sat up as the mask fell to the ground and he turned around, making sure his face wasn't towards Alice. Alice looked at his back as his mask lay in front of her. She let out a puff of air as she pushed herself off the ground and grabbed his mask.

Shin-ah kept his eyes closed as he heard Alice's bare feet tread over to his front as his head stayed down. He was so use to people trying to get him to take his mask off, or to let them see his face or eyes, that he was expecting Alice to ask as well, and what would he say if she did? He didn't want to say no to her, or to come across as rude. He was just uncomfortable and afraid, too afraid to open his eyes.

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