Chapter 5 - Flower Fields

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A/N - Oh here we are, another update.  Okay, so I'm going to attempt to make this story a bit shorter than my others.  Like, maybe not do so much into depth on minor things, and focus on a main point.   Who knows, I say this, but it could still be a long ass story because I don't know when to stop once I start. XD



Alice had prepared her small amount of items, such as medical supplies and small portions of food, or rather her apples, before she readied to leave the 10 year refugee village she had stayed in. She wore the small off white dress with a hood that covered her hair and a small bag that went over her hand and shoulders. She was excited, but also a little bit sad to be leaving. Her life would move forward again. Shin-ah stood beside Alice as she looked back at her small village once more. The dragon looked down at her before grabbing her hand, leading her to her friends, ready to view the world once again.

Alice's eyes sparkled as she ventured through the forest with the groups of warriors. Yona smiled with her, pointing out different flowers as the sunlight peered through the lively green leaves of the thriving wildlife. Alice had never been so glad to have left her village. She was always aware of the fears the villagers had of her and the pain and sorrow that accompanies that fear. She acted as the living being to relieve the stress front them, but she never knew how much it truly affected her until when she was free of it.

With where she is right now, surrounded by the lush forest with healthy animals and her new friends at her side, she thought that perhaps whatever God had put her through hell for the 17 years she'd been alive was finally giving her a taste of happiness. The smile never left her face as she held Yona's hand, staring and laughing in awe. Shin-ah watched her intently, taking in her smiling and laughter as they reflected on himself, making the dragon's thin mouth curl upwards ever so slightly into a smile.

Jae-ha, who walked beside Shin-ah, noticed this as well. He noticed how shin-ah watched Alice, and how Alice was having a blast. The small, but sweet action made a grin appear on the former pirates face.

They traveled for a bit longer before decided they should set up camp for the night. Once decided, everyone went to do their own things. Yun and Yona began to prepare and prep for dinner, Hak began to set up the fire and sleeping arrangements and Jae-ha and Kija surveyed the surrounding area. Zeno was a running around, going where he was needed and doing what he need to do for others, all the while having his cheerful, playful attitude reflecting in his childish smile.

Alice chuckled and looked around, seeing if she wa needed anywhere. She quickly felt a large, warm hand latch itself onto her small wrist, gaining her attention. Looking up, she wasn't too surprised to be met with the mask of Shin-ah as he looked down to her smaller form. She smiled up to him as she turned completely around to face the blue haired man.

"What is it? You need help with something?" Shin-ah shook his head, implying he didn't need help in anything. Alice tilted her head a bit, her hair falling slightly in front of her face as she looked up to him. She was confused. If he didn't need help with anything, then what is it that he wanted? Shin-ah could see the confusion in her golden eyes and turned around, begin to pulled her behind him. He began to walk away from the camp as Yona watched and chuckled, waving a bit to the pair as they soon disappeared behind the trees.

Shin-ah walked slowly so Alice wouldn't be dragged by him, but he didn't let go of her wrist the entire time, as to not lose her and to make sure she was following behind him, one could say he was holding her to put him at ease. It was a while later when Shin-ah emerged out of the trees as they thinned and pulled Alice behind him, stopping. Alice stumbled a bit as she was met with an unexpected halt from the man. She peered around his back as he slowly let go of her wrist.

Alice's eyes widened as she smiled with her whole face and her eyes lite up. In front of her was a large field, a field of wildflowers. She hadn't seen that many flowers before, let alone in one place. She ran forward into the field as she laughed and spun around, her hood coming off from her head. The slowly lowering sun dancing off her features and the flowers, as it added to her image.

As Shin-ah watched her, he wasn't aware of the figure who watched in amazement of Alice's long, rare red hair. They watched and took in her features before turning and running back to speak of her. She was an existence that was secret, but not for long.

Alice stood in the middle of the field her arms to her sides as she just let herself fall backwards. She rolled onto her back as she breathed in the fresh air. Pedals and small bits of grass flew up around where she fell and she closed her eyes in tranquility. Shin-ah walked slowly over to her until he was standing over her and she opened her eyes at the shadow he casted over her face. She looked up to him and smile, chuckling a bit.

"Are you happy?" The sudden question from the dragon surprised the crimsonette on the ground. She moved herself over to the left as she used her head to silently tell him to join her on looking at the sky. He nodded slightly as he gently lowered himself down and the sun was beginning to go further beyond the horizon, some stars could be seen vaguely. Once Alice and Shin-ah were laying side-by-side, Alice grabbed his wrist and made his hand into a fist as he pointed his finger.

"If you look closely, over there, riiight there," Alice was moving his hand and trying to make him point to a star that was shining brightly in the sky, "that star is one of the stars in the constellation for the zodiac Leo." Shin-ah looked over his finger, and soon enough, with his eyesight he found it. He made his mouth an 'o' shape as he breathed out. She pointed else, pointing out a planet and explaining on how your can tell the difference in whether it's a star or planet on whether it's twinkling. Shin-ah never knew much about the stars, so this was actually very enjoyable for him to learn about it.

It wasn't long before off in the distance, they could hear Yun's small voice shouting at them to hurry back as the food was ready to be eaten. Alice chuckled at his voice that was loud enough,she heard a voice crack and Shin-ah stood up, not realising they had been gone for that long. He helped Alice off the ground as she dusted off small blades of grass and flurries from the flowers. She dusted a few off of Shin-ah shoulders and he turned around, and Alice laughed as she saw that his head dress was covered in weeds and the such. She ran in front of him.

"When we get back, give me your headdress and I'll clean it for you." Shin-ah nodded as he watched Alice run off ahead. He smiled after her and watched as she stopped every once and a while to wait for him before taking off again. She was like a child, but he thought that acting childish wasn't a bad thing for her. It wasn't long before they returned to camp and Yun presented them with some, of course outstanding, food. Alice thanked him properly before starting on her meal.

Happily fed, Alice helped Yun clean up as the others sat around the fire, chatting and warming up. It may be late in the summer, but the nights can still produce a chill. Yona sat with her cloak around her and the men just say there, listening to her as she talked and someone would reply back, making heads turn to focus their attention.

Alice and Yun had finished cleaning up and Alice went to sit beside Yona, who was sitting in front of Shin-ah by a bit. Alice lightly slammed her fist in the palm of her other hand, remembering that she had said she would clean the small debris out of Shin-ah's headdress.

"Shin-ah, let me have your headdress. I said I would clean it remember?" Shin-ah looked at her for a moment before reaching behind his mask and detaching the fur. She pulled it over his shoulder and leaned forward, meeting Alice halfway and handing it to her, all the while looking at the grass stuck in the furs.

As the night progressed, someone would fall asleep after the fire was put out. Alice had fallen asleep while cleaning the headdress of Shin-ah, as he just took it and placed it over her smaller form and lay down beside her. Yona fell asleep in her sleeping bag with Yun in his own. Hak covered by his cloak, and the other three slept their own comfortable ways. Alice was finally seeing the world through eyes that aren't clouded in fear, but she didn't keep her hopes up, because in the back of her head, something was nagging, saying that something was going to happen soon. Something that would reveal her secret.   

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