Chapter 9 - The Man Who Left With Fate

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A/N - Okay, so here's a new chapter out.  Before I start, it is a fairly short chapter, but I had been working on it in class, so I hope it's at least good enough with my have alive brain. XD  Anyways, has anyone else been EXTREMELY thrown off with the recent time change?  It's really making me mad when it's like 5 in the afternoon and it's like I can't see my hand three inches in front of my face outside.  Also, not to mention in Missouri it's freaking November and it's still so warm out, which disgusts me because I want my cold weather and snow XD

Anyways, another chapter with Shin-ah and I hope you all in enjoy it!  I'll try to keep writing and post again soon, but we all know how well that works out for me don't we XD



Alice's eyes widened. Of course she felt the same way. How couldn't she? He was always by her, even now, when she was suppose to be unstable, he was right here, right in front of her. Her eyes started to fill with tears as they began to overflow, creating rivers down her flushed cheeks. Shin-ah went to reach up to her but he was stopped when her head came down and rested on his chest. She gripped as his clothes, her balance now depend on his own. He could feel her hands tremble and he could've sworn he heard her teeth as they clattered together and clenched.

"Alice?" He placed his hands on her shoulders as she didn't move. He could hear her breath come out in uneven puffs, like she was trying to speak but her words wouldn't form.

"Shin-ah I... The thing is... You shouldn't get too close to me." Shin-ah blinked a few times then Alice continued. "I'm a dangerous being, I'm not even sure if I'm human. I don't want to hurt you, you who is someone so important to me, so please.. I don't want to risk it so just don't get too close." Shin-ah's face didn't move. She looked down to the head of the girl who rested on his chest. He began to think, of course she was someone who was different, he could see that. With her hair and eyes being so completely unnatural for a human, he knew something about her was special. He didn't care though. He had made up his mind.

Leaning his head down, he closed his eyes as he places a kiss on the top of Alice's head. Her eyes widened as she went to push away from him. He could feel her tense up and acted before she did and removed his hands from her shoulders and quickly latched his arms around her instead. He held her close to his chest. She tried to push away from him, but he only tightened his hold on her, his head rested on top of hers, the scent of her own fragrance engulfing his senses. This is all he wanted, this is all he yearned for.

"What did I just tell you?! Shin-ah, let me go!" She fought back with her words, but right now, she wished she could enjoy the warmth of Shin-ah around her. She wanted to give in and believe she could live peacefully, but she knew that it wouldn't be possible once he found out, if he ever did.

"I won't." Alice's attempt to release herself from him halted.

"Excuse me?"

"I made up my mind. I love you, so I won't let go. You can push me away, but I know, that just being with you will be enough, so it's okay. You don't need to be afraid. Alice will always be Alice." She wanted to reply, but for some reason, a sudden wave of extreme exhausted washed over her and her eyes were hard to keep open. Her head slid on his chest and her arms became limp as her body just ceased to work. She started leaning off to the side ever so slowly.

"Alice?" Shin-ah noticed very quickly her body just giving out and he wanted to lifted her up to him to see her, but she did respond. Her body began to slid from his grasp as he tried to keep her upright the two of them had already began to fall backwards off the branch they rested on. Shin-ah clutched her to him to take the brunt of the fall, and after taking on smaller branches and leaves, they hand landed on the ground, Shin-ah wincing from the pain. Alice would, if she were awake.

Shin-ah quickly sat up and turned Alice over, to look at her. Her face was contorted into an emotion of what seemed like a cross of confusion and unpleasantness. He began to worry. She had lost consciousness so suddenly and without warning. Had she not been getting sleep? Was she sick? What was wrong with her. He sat with Alice's body in his arms in the grass as he began tense. It felt like... they were being watched.

He looked around, but even with his eyes, he couldn't detect anyone around. Whoever they were, they were hidden, and very well at that. But then, he saw someone. The person had walked out into the open, heading towards the two of them, without falter. Shin-ah clutched Alice closer to himself, knowing full well her hair was visible and shining brilliantly in the moonlight. He used one of his free hands to reach behind him and grip the hilt of his stone sword.

The stranger laughed as the moon finally allowed Shin-ah to see their features.

"Now, is that blade going to be drawn at me? How rude." The person was a man. He had long blonde hair, not as wild as Zeno's and pulled back, held with a ribbon. His eyes were unique as one was a wine red and the other gold as Alice and Shin-ah's own eyes. His smile was anything by kind, and something about the air around him was dangerous. Shin-ah didn't trust him and pulled the sword out a bit as a warning.

"What? You were so talkative to this child a moment ago, so why not speak to me now?" It annoyed him that this person was calling Alice a child, and it provoked him to now he had heard him speaking to her and listened to their conversation.

"It surprises me really, that the effects haven't kicked in on you yet." Shin-ah furrowed his brow. What effects? Effects of what? Shin-ah looked to Alice then back up to the man with a glare, he was actually willing to hope he looked into Shin-ah's visible eyes at this point.

"Did you do something to Alice." This was not a question. It was a demand. He wanted to know if he was responsible, and if he were, what did he do her and why. He knew Alice was valuable to most because of her hair, but she wasn't just something to be bought and sold because of her features. She didn't even take the time to admire herself yet.

"I did. And to you. Tell me, how are your reflexes little dragon boy?" Shin-ah patience was thinning by the second, but something stopped him from taking any actions. His body began to wear out as well. His grip from his sword stopped and it fell harshly back into its sheath. His hold on Alice loosened gradually until she had fallen from his arms completely and rolled a few inches due to the momentum. His body because numb and he could support himself as he fell to his side on the grass, his eyes wide.

What was happening to himself? Why couldn't he move? Why did he feel so tired all of a sudden? He saw the man walk calmly over to Alice and bend down to her before running a hand through her hand. Shin-ah's blood boiled at the thought of this disgusting man touching her when he had no idea who he was. The man's gaze traveled up to Shin-ah as mockery shone in his heterochromia filled eyes.

"I'll show you the true face of this girl. Just make sure you're prepared for a nightmare." Shin-ah, try as he might, couldn't keep his eyes open anymore and they soon slid closed, this mind fading into nothing. The last thing he remembered was the blurred sight of Alice's crimson hair being carried off by a man he had deemed his enemy. 

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