A/N - Long Over Due Isn't it..?

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Alright, where or where do I start. Well, I guess the whole moving thing is nice?

I've finally, after 34527492618463 years of saying so, moved into my new house. And I'm not saying that it's Shitty,

But it's Shitty. Like highkey, I got downgraded, and I'm not blaming my step-dad for blowing all our money for rent at our old house on unnecessities or anything,

But it's his fault.

ANYWAYS, I have internet, and I'll get writing again soon I promise (I might get my actual computer back too which, it's about damn time). I just need to get back into the swing of things.

It's been rough guys

Also, I'm flooded with finals this and next week before break. But, break means more writing time, so wooooooo, only 3 school days left.

I have to get up THREE OC cosplays, ONE OC crossplay, record a music video, edit it and have it done all by TOMORROW for my multimedia final with no camcorder, only a really crap camera from like, 7 years ago. KMS

Ima really be pushing it, but I swear. I'll update, I'll deliver, hopefully it won't suck.

I. Will. Finish. This. Book.

All in all, I'll be busy but I'll get there!  Sorry guys!  See yah when I see yah! 

P.s. - Yes, that's me wearing a mannequin head. Fight me. I'm trash.

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