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Week later...

"Julius I'm not fucking playing with you, bring me my fucking kids". I yelled at him through the phone.

" Nah go suck that nigga dick or something. I'm tired of you bringing all types of dudes around my kids . First it was that pussy nigga now It's him. Lying to my kids talking about it's Damien are you fucking sick? I'm getting custody of them and that's it stupid ass bitch stop calling me",He said ending the call.

I called him back but this nigga must have blocked me. I tried to pick my kids and the secretary talking aboyv Julius signed them out at 8:30. I told that fat ass bitch do not let him get my kids without my consent.

I've been playing phone tag with this nigga all day, I went by his house and he wasn't there. Imma just gonna have to call the police I just can't with this anymore.

I dialed 911 and let it ring. I looked over at Andrea and Jayda eat at the table  they was cool so I went outside and told them operators the whole story.

After I got off the phone with them,they said they was over to Ju house again and a cop was coming over . I sat down and started shaking my leg looking at the street hoping Ju would just pull up with my kids. I unlocked my phone and called Damien.

I still watched the street as I waited. Damien finally answered,I was relieved.

"Damien I know your busy but I need  you right now".I said quickly.

"Alright I'm on my way". He said ending the call.

I waited a few minutes and the police finally came.

"Hey, now what's going on". He said getting out his car.

"My babydad he took my two kids out of school and not letting me get them. I need my kids back home tonight". I told him.

"Did he gave a reason?". He said taking out his notepad.

"All because I have a boyfriend". I stressed.

"Hold on, him and his kids are at his house". He said taking a call.

I nodded my head and watched Damien's car pull up.

He quickly hopped out his car and walked up to me.

"What's going on?". He said looking around .

"Julius he took the kids and won't give them back". I told him.

"What! Why the fuck is wrong with him". He yelled.

"I don't know I just want my kids back" . I said rubbing my head.

"Blossom Valent Child protection service is coming over here to talk to you". The officer said .

I scrunched up my face .

"For what!". I semi yelled.

"They found bruises all over your kids". He said shaking his head at me.

"I would never hurt my kids,this is so fucking bullshit . He took my fucking kids!". I said starting to cry from frustrating.

"I fucking hate him". I said throwing my phone making it shatter.

"Ma'am calm down". The officer said.

"Shut up talking to me". I said trying to calm myself .

Damien pulled me into a tight hug saying it's gonna be okay. When it's not I know it's not he's lying .

About 20 minutes later a caseworker pulled in my drive way , without my kids .

"Are you Blossom Valent?". She said stepping on my porch .

"Yes". I looked up to her.

"We examined your oldest Ahijah  and he has some very bad bruises on him . We talked to him one on one and he said it because of and he wanted to say with his dad. After seeing those bruises I think it's best for Ahijah and Audrey to stay with their father . Julius wants to take you to court we will be sending you a letter you will not be able to get your kids until after your judge decides what to do. Have a good night". She said leaving.

"He's fucking lying. He's a drug dealer for god sakes!". I said breaking down crying.

"It's final Ms.Valent we already checked his house no drugs". She said.

This cannot be happening right now.

The life of Blossom (COMPLETED/Editing) Where stories live. Discover now