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Imagine: Joker being depressed over your 'death'.

Requested By: @Hobbit_Is_Da_Best

Word Count: 518

Joker watched from the distance as people stood around his queen's casket. She was gone, she was actually gone from his life and would never return to him. The queen of Gotham would now sleep 6 feet under.

Joker watched from the distance as her family and friends sobbed away. Why couldn't he cry? He was upset too yet, he reminds emotionless.

It was towards the end of the funeral and the people around his queen's casket were saying goodbye and wishing her luck in the next life. Joker only watched and not a thought in his mind. The words goodbye spilled from his lips without his knowledge till he heard someone talking behind him.

"Geez, what a depressing day." said a female voice from behind Joker.

Joker was quick to turn around and pulled out his gun. He glared at the female who stood before him. She smiled playfully and put her hands up.

"What a nice way to greet me, Mister J." the female chuckled and still held a smile on her face.

Joker almost dropped his gun as he looked the girl up and down. She looked just like his queen who was now being buried. Joker glared and growled.

"What the hell is going on here?!" Joker growled with angry laced into his voice.

The girl shrugged and continued to smile. She placed her hands down and crossed her arms. Her smile now faltering.

"To be honest, I don't know. Only thing I remember was sleeping then, poof, here I am." she said and looked at the ground with a sad smile.

"I also remember heart ache? But I don't remember why. When I woke up my first thought was to see and find Joker. I don't remember anything else but who the Joker is." said the girl.

Her arms dropped and instead she wraps them around herself and now held a sad smile on her face. Joker lowered his gun and his eyes soften. Even if it was a fake, he still saw his queen, (y/n).

"You don't remember what happened?" Joker asked/repeated what the girl said earlier. The girl looked at Joker with beautiful (eye color) eyes and shook her head.

"Do you remember what happened to me?" she asked and removed her arms from around herself.

Joker remained quiet and put his gun away. He took a step forward while nodding his head.

"I do remember. We'll talk about that later." Joke said and opened his arms waiting for a hug.

The (hair color) haired girl smiled and quickly rushed into Joker's arms. Joker smirked and held her tightly. He hoped this was the real (y/n) and not some copy sent to torment him about her death. For (y/n), something about the hug made her feel safe and loved.

"It's okay love, I'll help you get back your memory." Joker said and placed a kiss on her forehead. If it was a fake, he would form her to be just like his (y/n).

(rant time) So Cupcakes, I am grateful for all the support you've shown me but I ask to please not private message me asking if I know that Joker is an abusive. I know Joker very well because I grew up watching Batman so I'm not dumb.

My book is fan-FICTION meaning fake. To the point, please don't message me or comment rude things about my Joke Imagines. If you don't like it, don't read it. (Thank you to the Cupcakes who support what I write♥)

Sorry for any spelling errors.

Also, this chapter has gone under editing so there will be a few changes.

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