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Imagine: Dying in Jokers arms.

Requested By: @Ellen_emb

Word Count: 549

(y/n) smiled softly at Joker as she looked into his beautiful green eyes. (y/n) always hated that upset look on Joker sometimes made but continued to smile.

"You're going to be fine love, just wait a little longer." Joker whispered carefully to (y/n).

Her hands held tightly onto his purple coat and her eyes scanned over his worried face. It seemed to sad but she didn't know what to do to make him happy again.

Joker's arms held (y/n) tightly. He was afraid to let her go. Some part of him was afraid if he let her go, she would never wake up again.

"J," she whispered to him. She no longer had the strength to speak loudly. (y/n)'s body felt weak and her eyes felt very heavy.

"Yes, love?" Joker asked while hugging (y/n). He ignored all the blood getting onto his new purple suit. None of that matter at the moment.

"I feel very tired." (y/n) spoke. Her grip on his purple coat loosened a bit but she still tried to keep a tight hold of his coat. Joker leaned towards (y/n) and placed a kiss on her cheek then a quick kiss on her lips.

"Stay awake a little bit longer. The doctors will be here soon." Joker said and looked towards (y/n)'s bloody wound. Blood covered (y/n)'s stomach area and ruining the new dress Joker had brought for her.

"Sorry J," she spoke again and took in what little breath she could.

"I ruined the new dress." (y/n) slightly panted.

It took a lot of energy to form word. Heck, it was hard even to speak at this point. Joker chuckled but the slight frown remained on his face.

"That's fine love. We can just get a new dress. I just need you to stay with me." Joker said and placed another kiss on her lips. (y/n) smiled softly and her eyes slowly started to close.

"J..." (y/n)'s trailed off while taking her finally breaths. Joker looked into her half closed eyes. He admired her beautiful (eye color) for the last time.

"I-I love you." (y/n) said with a smile still on her face. Her eyes now fully closed and the grip she had on Jokers purple coat fully loosened. Her hand was about to hit the floor till Joker caught her hand and held it carefully yet tightly.

"(y/n)?" Joker asked and waited for her to respond. It reminded silent. Joker slightly shook (y/n)'s body hoping for her to awaken again and sweetly smile at him.

"(y/n)." Joker repeated but no longer questioning. He shook (y/n) a bit harder. He wouldn't, he couldn't, accept the fact she was finally gone from his life.

"(y/n)! Wake up!" Joker yelled at her. He waited for her to open her eyes and say she was joking around with him.

Sadly, it never happened. A strange feeling filled Jokers cold heart and the three words spilled from his mouth.

"I love you." Joker knew (y/n) would never hear him repeat the words she said to him before leaving his side forever.

This was so short but I find this to be a bittersweet chapter.

Sorry for any spelling errors.

Also, this chapter has gone under editing so there will be a few changes.

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