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Imagine: Being conflicted between being a superhero and love.

Requested By: @GracieTheGoddess

Word Count: 1157

  'What are you doing?!' you yelled at yourself as you slowly made your way towards the building Joker was said to be in.

  'You're insane! You can't just go in there and not expect a fight to break out!' you continued to yell at yourself while entering the building and quickly looking around.

  The first floor was completely empty. Empty of any living life at least. The building Joker was said to be in seemed to be pretty large and had a large amount of floors.

  "(hero name), Joker is on the fifth floor. Very few goons. Likely sent most to do something else. You go look for the other goons and I'll go after Joker." Batman said over the intercom.

  "No!" you quickly said. You realized your sudden outburst and felt sightly embarrassed to suddenly yell at Batman.

  "Sorry, I want to go after a main villain for once. I'm tired of chasing after goons." you said.

  It was all a lie. You didn't care about chasing after goons or fighting a powerful villain. You cared about trying to peace to the world. However, you just wanted to see this one villain.

  "(hero name) you know this isn't -" Batman started with a hint of anger towards you. You cut him off and finished the rest of his sentence.

  "I know, I know, the superhero business isn't a game and I shouldn't treat it like a game. I'm not treating this business as a game!" you said back to him.

  "I'm taking this very serious. I'm never going to truly learn if you keep treating me like a baby and send me only after the goons." you said hoping to convince Batman into letting you go after the Joker.

  "This is a test (hero name). If you fail it then you can't go on anymore missions until further notice and you still be sent back into training." Batman said with a stern voice. No hint of joking around.

  You smiled and laughed lightly. He was never one to joke.

  "Okay, I got this!" you said happily and quickly started to make your way to the fifth floor.

<><><><><Time Skip~><><><><>

  You groaned in pain as you slowly started to open your eyes. Your head was hurting and your body felt like it being stabbed over and over again. You wanted to rub the sore like feeling from your eyes upon awaking only to feel your hands stuck in place.

  This kick your senses and nerves into gear and you realize the burning feelings on your wrists. The burning feeling of when pulling on rope with your bare hands. You no longer paid attention to the sore feeling in your eyes and looked down at your hands only to see a rope tying your hands in place. Your wrists felt like they were now bleeding but you couldn't see any traces of blood.

  "What do we have here?" said a sinister voice with a chuckle.

  Your heart skipped a beat. Not only in fear but in excitement as well. You perfectly understood the situation you were in at the moment but you couldn't help and feel happy at just the sound of his voice.

  "It's the Bats girlfriend! My, my, what a catch!" Joker said with a laugh. He looked down at you with what seemed to be a playful stare but much more darker then playful.

  "I'm not Batman's girlfriend. I'm his partner in fighting crime." you hissed back.

  'That's right (y/n)! Act natural and no one will now about these silly feelings you have for this villain! Not even he himself will realize -' you were cut off by Joker's next set of words. They shocked you to the core and you felt like your heart dropped.

  "What's this? That look in your eyes," Joker begin with an innocent act like he was truly confused about whatever he saw. That innocent act was then dropped and a dark smile spread across his lips.

  "That look in your eyes almost looks like the same look Harley always gives me." Joker started to laugh at this.

  Your heart was beating fast and you were in complete panic mode. 'He already knows?! Am I that obvious?!' you shouted to yourself. You remained calm and collected on the outside but on the inside you were a train wreck.

  "What are you talking about? Your mind really is running." you snapped back and rolled your eyes.

  Joker walked over to you and grabbed a hold of your face so you were looking at him. The smirk on his face made you want to blush. He was so close. You wanted to kiss him.

  "There is no point in hiding it from me. You have feelings for me!" Joker laughed again and let go of your face.

  "I wonder what Batman will think! Does he know? This is too big of a secret to keep to myself!" Joker turned his back to you and continued to laugh.

  You no longer knew how to feel about the situation. You were completely shocked and felt humiliated. You let your head fall down so you were looking at the floor. You felt frozen. You just wanted to escape and beat Joker to a pulp for making you feel so stupid about having these feelings.

  "To bad it'll have to remain a secret. I never like making things too easy." Joker turned back around and, once again, grabbed a hold of your face. Forcing you to look at him.

  Joker leaned forward and placed a quick kiss on your lips. His smirk appearing once more. Your mind took a moment to process what was now happening and what just happened.

  "We'll keep this a secret for now."

  Joker leaned in again placing another kiss on your lips.

  This was the beginning of a secret relationship between a hero and a villain.

<><><><Extended Ending~><><><>

  Of course, Joker didn't just let you go. The two of you had to continue playing the part of hating each other and still being enemies. So, he kept you tied to the chair and set some bombs up. He left you, wherever he took you, the two of you planned to meet up soon.

  Batman had saved you the last minute. The bombs were just seconds away from exploding. The Batman and you later found out the bombs weren't real bombs. They were filled with confetti.

  "Well, that could have gone better. Don't you think Bat..." you trailed off when you caught sight of the dirty glare he was giving you.

  "Um...at least I'm not hurt?" you questioned more then stated. You laughed nervously.

  "We'll discuss how long you'll be off hero duty. Most likely more than a year." Batman said and walked away.

  "What?! No! Bats! Let's be reasonable here!" you yelled while running after him.

Trying my best to get requests out as soon as possible. I'm sorry for the long delays.

Sorry for any spelling errors.

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