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Imagine: Being Joker's first girlfriend.

Warning: There will be a lot of spelling errors because I have not gone over this chapter yet. I promise to do so later but until then please ignore them or kindly point them out so I can fix them. Thank you

Requested By: @winter_stann

Word Count: 986

"Release me now and I might spare your pathetic life." you hissed to the guards who held you by the arms tightly.

"Do you hear this chick Dan? She's acting all big and bad." spoke a female with a chuckle in her voice. The male released a little laugh and gripped onto your arm tighter.

"Just wait until the others hear this. We're going to have a hell of a time messing with you." the male said while licking his chapped lips. You glared at him in disgust and tried to rip your arms out of their grasp.

"Too bad sweet heart, you're stuck with us from now on." said the female guards while dragging you deeper into what felt like Arkham Asylum.


You glared at the female in the cell as you. It was more of a cage to you then a cell.

"Don't worry pretty bird, you'll have your own cell by tomorrow. They just have to get it ready and until then you're stuck with -" the guard talking was immediately cut off by the high pitch voice of your cell mate.

"Harley Quinn!," she yelled out. You only crossed your arms and turned your head away from her. You never did get along with people. They weren't your thing.

"Aw, don't worry sour puss! We'll be the best of friends! I just know it!" the woman known as Harley Quinn spoke. You could hear so much happiness in her voice.

'How could she be so happy when she's locked up like an animal?' you asked yourself. You gaze was still turned away from Harley. You refused to make friends with a woman you would never see again. (Due to being locked away in a cell and never getting out)

"You're pretty lucky pretty bird. Harley here just got back from a mission. Would have been lonely for you if she wasn't here." spoke the guard once again. You rolled your eyes and brought your gaze to the floor.

"So for to-" the guards voice was cut off for the second time that day.

The wall exploded causing ruckus. The guards ran towards the, now large, hole in the wall only for them to be shot down. Guns shots bounded off the walls causing them to echo in the room you and the stranger Harley were in.

You watched in slight shock, as did Harley, as (you guessed) men dressed in all black shot down guard after guard. One ran over to the cage door with a saw in hand and broke the lock on the cage door. He quickly opened it and in walked another man in all black but in white bold letters read, Joker.

'Joker...? Where have I heard that from?' you questioned yourself. He removed his large helmet to reveal a pale white face. Then, it hit you.

Memories flooded your mind so quickly. Your eyes widen in shock. No one seemed to have noticed you yet. Harley squealed in happiness and pulled Joker into a loving embrace.

His cold eyes landed on you. Both your eyes meeting. It was like he was glaring at you but seemed to be taking the sight of you in.

"Harley..." Joker spoke quietly so only she heard. Harley pulled away from Joker and looked at him seriously, with a loving look on her face.

"Yes, Mistah J?" Harley questioned. Joker pulled away from the hug and pointed towards you.

"Who is that?" his voice was laced with venom but you could hear the shock in it.

"Oh, that was my new cell mate for the day," Harley shrugged her shoulders and turned to look at you.

"Hey sour puss, what's your name again?" Harley asked with a smile on her face. You remained quiet and looked at the ground.

'I've already know he moved on long ago. Why do I care?' you thought to yourself. You took one last glance at Joker and looked at Harley.

"(villain name or your name)," you said proudly. You could see Joker shift as if he was uncomfortable and then look at you. He replayed his uncomfortable look into his usual crazy smile. The smile you fell in love with long ago.

"(villain/normal name)? So you're-" Joker begin but you cut off him quickly.

"Yup, I'm Deadshots girl. Nice to you met you." you spoke proudly. You weren't lying either. Deadshot and you have been together for at least a year already.

The reason you got locked up was because you've been looking for him and your hunt for Deadshot lead you to the this prison like place.

"Deadshot?," Harley asked while tapping her chin. Her face brightened and she clapped both hands together in happiness.

"I know him! His cell is just down that hall and over there." Harley said while pointing out the directions towards your boyfriends cell.

"Thank you for you help. If don't mind I have to go get him out." you said and walked passed the two. Joker's jaw clenched and you hear a little growl in displeasure.

"Let's help her puddin'!" Harley said excitedly and was about to follow you till you stopped her.

"It's fine," you said. You glanced at Joker once last time and made your out the room/cell.

"I've broken someone out of a tightly secured place many times before." were your finally words.

Joker felt something weird with his heart as he watched you leave. He wanted to go up to you and hug you like the old days but something stopped him. How you looked at him, you held a look of betrayal.


Geez, this was long and it sucked. I need to step up my writing game. 😐
I feel like I escalated things to quickly or, in other words, I rushed this to fast. Sorry 😥
Sorry for any spelling errors.

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