It's Never a Good Bye (Sequel to Say You're Just a Friend)

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[You hear beeping in the background. It's quiet. You listen to your surroundings and a quiet sobbing noise coming from your right. You try to open your eyes, but can't]

Doctor: Mr. Mahone?

Austin: Yes?

Doctor: Your wife lost a lot of blood, but she should be fine now.

Austin: What about the baby?

Doctor: Well everything seems fine for right now, but we'll keep a close eye on the baby.

Austin: Why hasn't she waken up yet?

Doctor: She will eventually, on her own time.

Austin: What does that mean?

Doctor: Mr Mahone, your wife is in state-like coma. We don't know when she will wake up.

Austin: What if..if...she never wakes up?

Doctor: That's your call sir. We can keep her on the machines that keeps her alive or you can decide to pull the plug. Don't think about that now, only time will tell.

Austin: Ok thank you.

[The doctor leaves the room and Austin walks over to you and holds your hand]

Austin: Y/n, please wake up. I would do anything to hear your voice again. Anything.

[Sidenote: Anything you say is in your head, no one can hear you]

You: Austin?! Austin?! I'm here! I love you! Austin! Please hear me!

Austin: You're going to wake up, we're going to get out of this hospital, you're going to have a beautiful baby and we're going to be amazing parents.

[You can hear the change in Austin's voice, he starts to quietly cry]

You: Please don't cry. We're going to raise the healthy baby together. You're going to be a dad Austin. A dad and an amazing one too, I know it.

[Austin begins to kiss your hand]

Austin: This hand, please squeeze my hand y/n. Show me you're still here.

You: I'm trying, Austin I'm trying. I love how my hand fits perfectly into yours.

[You hear footsteps getting closer]

Alex: How are holding up?

Austin: Not great.

Alex: Any update on y/n yet?

Austin: Not really, the doctor said she'll wake up on her own time.

Alex: And?

Austin: I asked what if she never wakes up.

Alex: Dude, don't think like that.

Austin: I have to be realistic. If she doesn't wake up the option is just keep her on the machines.

Alex: The other option?

Austin: Pull the plug.

Alex: She'll wake up, you need to stay strong for her. Look at her. She would want you to be strong.

Austin: I know.

Alex: The crew is downstairs and so is your mom.

Austin: What about y/n's family?

Alex: Your mom just called them, they'll be here soon. You should go downstairs and talk to everyone.

[Austin nods his head and starts to leave]

It's Never a Good Bye (Sequel to Say You're Just a Friend) Austin Mahone FanficWhere stories live. Discover now