It's Never a Good Bye (Sequel to Say You're Just a Friend)

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Austin: I'm leaving for work y/n. Bye babe.

You: Bye, see you later for lunch.

[Austin leaves and you were cleaning up]

You: Hmm, what to do today? Oh I know shopping!

[Once you cleaned up you went to Susan's place. Once you got there you knocked on the door, but there was no response]

You: Susan! It's y/n!

[No reply]

You: Guess she's not home.

[You leave and start walking to the shops in the city]

You: Oh look a baby store.

[You walk in and start looking around]

Employee: Do you need help with anything?

You: Oh no I'm just looking.

Employee: So how far along are you?

You: Two and half months.

Employee: Wow you still have a long way to go.

You: I guess so haha. This is my first baby.

Employee: Wow congrats, are you excited?

You: As excited as I'll ever be.

Employee: If you help with anything just ask me.

You: Ok I will, thank you.

Employee: Your welcome.

[You go into the back of the store and begin to look at the toys, right as you turn around you bump into someone]

You: Oh I'm sorry.

Girl: No, no it's my fault. Are you ok?

You: I'm fine, it's ok.

Girl: Sorry again. I'm Betty.

You: I'm y/n.

Betty: It's nice to meet you.

You: Same.

Betty: Let me guess, you're new here.

You: Only for another month and a half.

Betty: Oh why so short?

You: I'm only here because my husband has work.

Betty: It must be pretty boring then.

You: I find ways to entertain myself.

Betty: I was here to buy my niece something, what about you?

You: Oh I was just looking, getting some ideas.

Betty: So how far along are you?

You: Two and a half months.

Betty: Wow congrats.

You: Thank you. Well I better go, nice talking to you.

Betty: Wait. I know you just met me, but I was going to do some shopping today would you like to join me?

You: Uhm I don't know. I don't want to bother you.

Betty: You're not bothering me at all. I promise you I'm not crazy.

You: I'm not sure.

Betty: Come one, it will be fun.

You: Uhh, ok..

[You and Betty go to a few shops to look at clothes and etc]

Betty: I love this shop, they have the best clothes.

You: Yeah they're nice.

Betty: Do you have any plans later?

You: Oh shot! Actually yes, I'm having lunch with someone. I have to go now.

Betty: Lunch sounds good right now. Do you mind if I tag along?

You: Not to be rude, but yes.

Betty: Don't worry I'll get something to go, I won't stay I promise.

You: Oh uhm alright I guess.

[You and Betty walk to a restraunt and were greeted by a waiter]

Waiter: How many?

You: Two people.

Betty: I'm just ordering something to go.

Waiter: Can you wait five minutes for another table?

You: Sure.

Waiter: What would you like to order?

Betty: Can I see a menu?

Waiter: Here you go.

Betty: Thanks.

[Waiter leaves]

You: See anything good?

Betty: Not yet.

[Austin comes up behind you and hugs you]

Betty: Now I did.

Austin: Hey y/n what are you doing out here?

You: Waiting for a table. Oh this is Betty.

Betty: Nice to meet you.

Austin: Likewise.

Waiter: Your table is ready. Come this way.

You: Let's go Austin. It was nice meeting you.

Betty: Oh don't worry, I have a feeling we will be bumping into each other a lot.

Austin: You go in first, I forgot I had a miss call from Rocco, you go in first.

You: Ok then.

[The waiter takes you inside]

Austin: What are you doing here Sharon?

Betty: I'm not Sharon anymore, I'm Betty.

Austin: Cut the crap, why are you here?

Betty: Isn't obvious? I'm here for you.

Austin: Stay away from me and my wife.

Betty: Don't you like my new look? I cut my hair, dyed it blonde, got colored contacts, I changed everything.

Austin: You think changing your appearance will change the fact that you're a stalker?

Betty: How could you say that? We're in love.

Austin: You need to go to a mental institute. There's a reason why I have a restraining order.

Betty: But I don't see anybody here taking me away. A piece of paper means nothing.

Austin: That piece of paper is law. I'm warning you, leave now and never bother me or my wife ever again.

Betty: I really took a shine to your wife and I see she's two months along? Wow, that should've been my baby.

Austin: Listen here you crazy bitch, I only met you once. I don't even know who you are. I suggest you leave me and my damn family or else you will regret it. I don't care who you are. You mean nothing to me and you need to stay out of my life.

Betty: Austin how could you say that?

Austin: Fuck off crazy.

[Betty walks away in shock and Austin enters the restraunt and sits down at the table]

You: So what did Rocco call about?

Austin: Oh he just asked if I wanted to take a few days off next week .

You: Really? That's great.

Austin: Yeah..

You: Are you ok sweetie?

Austin: I'm fine, I'm just really hungry.

[Austin gets a text on his phone]

Text:Unknown: You won't get rid of me that easily.

It's Never a Good Bye (Sequel to Say You're Just a Friend) Austin Mahone FanficWhere stories live. Discover now