It's Never a Good Bye (Sequel to Say You're Just a Friend)

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[You wake up to the vibration of your phone]

You: Hmm...stupid phone I'm sleeping.

[You reach over and see that it's a text from Austin saying he'll be home late again]

You: We've been here for a month and they have him stay late almost every night. I guess I'm having another day to myself again.

[You get up and walk to the kitchen and make yourself some breakfast. As you were waiting for your food to cook you walk over to the window]

You: I haven't gone sightseeing yet...I'll go tonight. That place in the corner looks familiar. Could it be?

[All of a sudden you smell burning]

You: Oh crap! No, no, no, no! [You turn off the stove and throw your pancakes in the trash] You: I'll take that a sign to go out and eat.

[You get ready and start to leave the condo. You start walking down the street to place you saw from your window]

You: Well I be damned. It is the place. It still looks the same too.

[You walk into the diner that you and Austin had gone to years ago when you guys went to New York]

You: The inside still looks the same too.

Waiter: Take a seat anywhere you would like ma'm.

[You nod and walk over to a booth]

You: I remember when they used to call me miss too.

Waiter: Here's a menu, I'll be right back to take your order.

You: Ok thanks.

[As you were looking at your menu you see someone come into the diner in the corner of your eye. You look up and couldn't believe it]

You: Oh my god, is that her?

[You get up and walk over to her]

You: Excuse me, are you a palm reader?

Palm reader: I used to be, why?

You: I don't know if you remember me, but we met many years ago near the area.

Palm reader: You have to be more specific.

You: I came to you asking for advice about this guy.

Palm reader: Wait. Are you?

You: Yeah I am.

Palm reader: I thought I would never see you again sweetie! Out of all my clients I remember you the most.

You: Wow really? Uhmm would you like to have breakfast with me?

Palm reader: Of course, we have a lot to catching up to do.

[You guys walk over to the booth and sit down]

You: I can't believe I saw you here.

Palm reader: Me either. So what ever happened between you and that guy?

You: Long story short. We ended up dating, and 5 years later we get married and we've been married for around a year now and I'm pregnant.

Palm reader: Wow when you put it like that, it's been a long time and congrats on the baby. How far along are you?

You: Thank you and I'm two months in. I won't know the gender of the baby for another 2 to 3 months.

Palm reader: Or I could tell you.

You: Really? Oh my gosh yes that would be great, but I shouldn't. I know Austin would want to be with me when he finds out.

Palm reader: Is that the name of your husband?

It's Never a Good Bye (Sequel to Say You're Just a Friend) Austin Mahone FanficWhere stories live. Discover now