It's Never a Good Bye (Sequel to Say You're Just a Friend)

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Austin: Carter I'm going to drop you off at Uncle Alex's place for a bit alright?

Carter: Ok dad.

[Austin drives Carter to Alex's house]

Alex: Hey there little man, what's up?

[Carter looks up]

Carter: Uhmm, the sky.

Alex: Not what I meant, but ok. Go right in Carter.

Austin: Thanks for watching him, I just need to get a few things done by myself.

Alex: How are you?

Austin: It's still rough. Last night was the first night where I could finally sleep.

Alex: Just know I'm always here for you.

Austin: Thanks man.

Alex: What are you doing today?

Austin: Go do some errands.

Alex: Alright see you later.

Austin: Later. Bye Carter!

Carter: Bye dad!

[Austin gets into his car and turns on the radio]

Radio personality: Let's kick it old school shall we? A request from John to play 'The Way You Look Tonight by Frank Sinatra' to his girlfriend Angel.

Austin: Haven't heard this song in years.

[A slight happiness appeared on his face. The worry on his face dissappeared for that moment in time. Austin drove to the store to pick up a few things. He walked in, grabbed a couple of things and checked out]

Cahsier: The flowers are nice, are they for your wife?

Austin: Yeah.

Cashier: Any special occasion?

Austin: No just something you do out of love for someone you care about.

Cashier: She's a lucky gal then.

Austin: I'm the lucky one.

Cashier: And by these band-aids and pack of skittles, I'm guessing you have a son?

Austin: Yeah, he's three now. He has his mother's sense of humor.

Cashier: He sounds like a good kid.

Austin: He is.

Cahsier: That will be $15.00.

Austin: Here.

Cashier: Have a nice day.

Austin: Thanks, you too.

[Austin begins to drive and pulls up to a house. Austin gets out and knocks on the door]

Michele: Hey honey, how are you?

Austin: Ok.

Michele: Where's Carter?

Austin: Alex is watching him for me.

Michele: I didn't expect you to come over today.

Austin: What a guy can't come visit his mother?

Michele: He can, but a call would've been nice.

Austin: I'll call next time.

Michele: Have you talked to y/n?

Austin: Not yet. But I will.

Michele: Do you want to eat anything?

Austin: No it's ok. I just stopped by to say hi. I should go now.

Michele: Oh alright sweetie. See you soon.

Austin: See you soon mom.

[Austin gets back into his car and continues driving. He pulls up to a a grassy area and gets out. He walks for about five minutes before making a stop]

Austin: Hey y/n.

[You smiled. That look in his eyes was slowly starting to come back to him]

Austin: I've been really busy lately, I bet you already know that. You know everything.

[You giggle to yourself at the comment Austin made]

Austin: Carter's getting bigger each day. I can see that he has your sense of humor. I dropped him off at Alex's if you were wondering.

[You look down and smile]

Austin: I took home another trophy for us. It's the artist of the year trophy. I know how you always loved watching award shows.

[You stood there next to him as he was talking, placing a hand on his back]

Austin: Carter is starting to ask questions about you and I'm not going to lie, it's hard. I don't know what to say. I always tell him how beautiful you were...are. I tell how smart, strong, and loving you are. It's not the same without you.

[A tear appears in the corner of his eye, but he wipes it away quickly]

Austin: I know how you always tell me not to bring you anything, but I can't help it.

[Austin kneels down places the bouquet of flowers in front of your tombstone. He places his hand on your picture]

Austin: I miss you so much it hurts. I don't know how I can wake up everyday without you. I need you y/n more than ever. I just want to be able to hold you in my arms one last time.

[You place your hand on Austin's shoulder, but he can't feel it. You kneel down next to him and kiss his check. He looks to the side, but doesn't see anyone there. He places his hand on his check and begins to rub it]

Austin: You're here aren't you?

[The sparkle in his eyes was slowly returning]

Austin: I love you y/n, more than world itself. I'll always love you. You're my first love, my one and only.

[Austin gets up and rubs the slight dust forming on your tombstone off. You smile knowing that each day he's getting back to his normal self. He's getting that happiness he lost oh so long ago]

Austin: I have to go now.

[Austin places his hand on top of your tombstone and sighs]

Austin: Good b- I mean...see you soon y/n. See you soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2013 ⏰

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It's Never a Good Bye (Sequel to Say You're Just a Friend) Austin Mahone FanficWhere stories live. Discover now