It's Never a Good Bye (Sequel to Say You're Just a Friend)

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[You wake up and see Austin missing from bed. You get out of bed and walk over to the balcony. You open the sliding glass door amd let the sun hit against your skin. You close your eyes and enjoy the moment]

Austin: Babe you in here?

You: Out here!

Austin: I need to talk to you.

You: What's wrong?

Austin: There's nothing's just that...I need to go somewhere.

You: Where?

Austin: New York.

You: For how long?

Austin: Three months.

You: WHAT?!? Why so long?

Austin: It's for work.

You: Well I know that, but what are you even going to do there?

Austin: Something very big, so big that you even will surprise you,

You: Tell me what it is.

Austin: I'm recording in New York and I'm going to go to tons of meetings and I'm doing this project with Trukfit and...

[You cut him off by kissing him]

You: It's ok I understand.

Austin: Come with me.

You: Whoa, what?

Austin: Yeah come with me. I mean...New York was where it all started for us right? Let's go back.

You: Austin we're not teenagers anymore, you're going for work and you will rarely have time for me.

Austin: No we'll make it work, I promise. Just come with me. Come with me please...pretty please with baby Mahone on top.

You: Haha ok fine I'll go.

Austin: YES! I promise you y/n it will be memorable.

You: We're going to New York! Oh my gosh ok, uhmm I need to call my doctor to check if it's ok and I need to call best/friends/name and where are we going to stay? Also...

[Austin cuts you off by kissing you]

Austin: Let me handle everything. You just call the doctor to see if it's ok for you to travel.

You: When do we have to go?

Austin: Three days, and I already got our tickets.

You: You already knew I was going to yes?

Austin: No, but I was hoping for a yes.

You: Well you got it. I'll be right back, I'll go call my doctor.

Austin: Alright.

[You go downstairs to call your doctor. Austin checks to make sure you left the room and he makes a call]

(phone convo starts)

Austin: Hey the plan is still on.

Stranger: You got her to say yes?

Austin: That's why I'm calling.

Stranger: You sure you still want to go through this?

Austin: More than ever.

Stranger: It's going to be hard.

[You were about to go in the room when you heard Austin talk]

Austin: I don't care, just handle it.

Stranger: What if she finds out?

Austin: Trust me, she won't. She's also pregnant so be careful.

Stranger: Don't worry about it.

Austin: I'm not. Everything goes as planned.

Stranger: I get it, I'll call when everything is finalized.

Austin: Alright bye.

(phone convo ends)

[You were confused to as what was going on. You walk back in and see texting on his phone]

You: I called and the doctor said to come by tomorrow for a check up just in case, but other than that I'm ok to fly.

Austin: That's great news. I can't wait to be in New York with you again.

You: Me either. Hey who were you talking to?

Austin: It was Alex, he just called to talk and see how you and the baby were doing.

You: Oh that's nice of him. Tell him I said hey the next time he calls.

Austin: Will do.

You: I'm hungry.

Austin: Is it you or the baby?

You: Both.

Austin: Well how hungry are you? I need to go somewhere for an hour and I can pick us up some breakfast.

You: Uhmm yeah ok, I'll just eat a banana or something for now.

Austin: Alright bye babe, see you in a bit.

You: Bye.

[Austin kisses your check and leaves. You watch him leave from the window. You get your phone and make a call]

(phone convo starts)

Alex: Hello?

You: Hey Alex.

Alex: Hey, what's up?

You: Not much, I just have something to ask you.

Alex: What is it?

You: Did Austin call you earlier today?

Alex: No, why?

You: Oh it's just uhmm..that..

Alex: What is it?

You: I overheard Austin talking on the phone and it was suspicious.

Alex: What do you mean?

You: I heard Austin say stuff like "I don't care, just handle it" and "Trust me, she won't" also "Everything goes as planned"

Alex: It could mean anything.

You: Yeah, but this just seems off.

Alex: He hasn't said anything to me.

You: Oh alright. Can you not tell Austin about this?

Alex: Yeah sure.

You: Thanks, I'll talk to you soon alright? Bye.

Alex: Bye.

(phone convo ends)

[You hear hear the doorbell and go downstairs. You open the door and see a small box. You pick it up and look around. You back inside and sit in the living room to open the box]

You: What is this?

[You open the box and the first thing you see is a note and you open it]

You: "Things are not as they seem" What the heck is that supposed to mean?

[You look in the box and there is a picture of you and Austin when you guys were in New York when you guys were teenagers]

You: What is all this stuff?

[You sat there for longer than you thought then all of a sudden you hear Austin try to open the door. You stand up right as he opens the door]

Austin: Y/N! I got us breakfast from McDonalds. Oh hey there you are.

[You just stare at him]

Austin: What's that?

You: Nothing.

[You stuff the letter into your robe pocket]

It's Never a Good Bye (Sequel to Say You're Just a Friend) Austin Mahone FanficWhere stories live. Discover now