It's Never a Good Bye (Sequel to Say You're Just a Friend)

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Alex: Hey.

Austin: Hey, thanks for watching Carter for us.

Alex: It's no problem. I would take care of him like he was my own.

Austin: I really appreciate it. Y/n has been taking care of the baby on her own for a month now while I was at work.

Alex: That's a lot of work.

Austin: I know, that's why I'm taking her out tonight.

Alex: Where's Carter?

Austin: Over here. He should be asleep for the rest of the night. If anything just call me or y/n and we'll go home right away.

Alex: Dude, I'm uncle Alex. I can handle this no problem.

[You walk down the stairs and see Austin and Alex talking]

You: Well uncle Alex, don't hesitate to call.

Austin: You look beautiful y/n.

Alex: You clean up nice y/n.

You: Well I do try.

Austin: Shall we go now?

You: Just one more thing.

[You walk over to Carter and lean over the makeshift playpen]

You: I'm going to miss you while I'm gone. I love you Carter.

[You kiss his forehead]

You: See you soon.

Alex: Go have fun you kids. Don't stay out too late now you hear?

Austin: You sound just like my mom.

You: Haha, see you in a bit Alex.

Alex: Have fun.

Austin: We will (winks).

You: Austin!

Austin: What?

You: Just go.

[You and Austin wave bye to Alex and get into the car]

Austin: I'm so glad I get to spend this night alone with you.

You: I am too.

Austin: I have a few things planned for us tonight.

You: Oh? Like what?

Austin: You'll see.

You: I'm not even going to try to get it out of you this tine.

Austin: Good because I won't tell you.

You: Damn I thought reverse physcology would work.

Austin: You thought wrong.

You: Ok, ok I'll wait.

Austin: Actually, what time is it right now?

You: Uhmm, 7:59. Why?

Austin: Turn on the radio.

[You turn on the radio]

Radio Personality: And now for the world premiere for Austin Mahone's new song...Till I Find You!

You: WHAT!?!?


[Austin starts singing to you in the car]

You: That song was amazing, I love it! You kept this from me really well. Props to you.

Austin: It was hard, but I did it.

It's Never a Good Bye (Sequel to Say You're Just a Friend) Austin Mahone FanficWhere stories live. Discover now