Chapter 7

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I get dressed and go to the bathroom. I brush my hair and put it into a professional bun. Sam is having us protect Bella's baby. According to Edward, some royal vampires are after her. We are going over for a meeting at the Cullen's mansion this Saturday. Sam decided that because the Cullen kids have school as to some of us wolves.

I meet Embry at his truck and I climb in.

"You look good." Embry says before starting his truck up.

"Thanks Hun." I whisper. I am nervous about the Valturie.

I know about them. Carlisle spoke of them constantly. According to Sam, the other Cullen's don't know I am back and that I'm a wolf. Back? Well, they don't know I'm in Washington and so close to them. Esme loved me to pieces.

I head into the school building and I see Leah and Kim standings together. I smile and I make way to them.


We are now in wolf form at the treaty line. Edward and Emmett are there.

"You can pass, Maria. Esme will be pleased to see you're in Washington." Edward says.

Emmett's eyes bulge. "Maria? Maria Wilson!? Oh my....." He runs back to their house.

"Paul, Jared, watch the border." Edward says calmly. Paul and Jared nod before running.

I jump the lake. I phase and put my clothes on.


"Esme!" Edward calls. "You have a visitor. Carlisle! You too!"

Shortly after, Esme and Carlisle appear. Esme gasps when she sees me. Esme hugs me tight. Carlisle is smiling.

"You're a sharp shifter." Esme whispers.

"Yes. I am." I reply.

"It's nice to finally see you in front of me than on a computer screen." Esme laughs.

"She's right." Carlisle says. "It's good to meet you. Even if it is after Edward hurt you."

"Nice to meet you guys too." I curtsy and I see Edward holding a baby.

"Has Bella waken up yet?" I ask. I am gonna wanna see her reaction to Jacob imprinting on her baby.

"She just awoken. Wanna see her hurt Jacob?" Edward jokes.

I nod yes and he hands me the baby. "Hi baby girl. I'm Maria." I kiss her forehead and I sit beside Rosalie, she offered.

"She has Bella's brown eyes." Rosalie says.

"Yeah..... I bet Bella's eyes are no longer brown." I joke.

Rosalie chuckles. "Nope. They will be red until we get her diet to the animal diet."

"I say Bella will do good." I smile.

I look down at Renesme and I smile. I want a kid one day. I want a boy, but a girl would be just as amazing. Rosalie beings the baby to Bella.

Out of nowhere, Bella is dragging Jacob by the war through the living room.


I giggle to myself and I jog to the porch. I stand beside Edward and Jasper. I see Leah and Seth in wolf form. I bite my lip as the fight continues.

"Bella. You know I can't help I....." He's cut off.

"I can't believe you have some kind of 'Wolfy claim' on her!" Bella yells.

"I love Nessie." Jacob says.

"'Nessie'? You nicknamed my daughter after the locness monster!" Bella scoffs and throws Jacob against a tree.

Seth goes after her and she grows him. I flinch as I hear his yelp.

"Should we stop her?" I ask.

"Nah. This is getting good." Edward says with a smirk.

I nod and I look at this fight. I giggle as I see Sam come and stop it. He is in his human form.

Sam explains to Bella what exactly imprinting is. Bella soon understands.

"I'm sorry Jacob. Maybe that's why Uou were so obsessed with me." Bella jokes.

"He really was." Edward whispers to me.

"It was because of Nessie. I never understood until I saw her." Jacob sighs.

"I'm gonna go home, guys. I'll see y'all Saturday." I nod my goodbye and I go into the woods. I strip and phase. I pick my clothes up with my wolf mouth and take of running towards the clearing outside my cabin.

Once home, I phase and put my clothes on. I walk in and see mom.

"Bella woke up today." I say.

"That's good." Mom smiles.

"Yeah. She was pretty pissed because Jacob imprinted on Remesme. She threw him and Seth against a tree and everything. I was on their porch with Edward and Jasper the whole time. I even held the baby." I ramble on about my patrol.

"That's great. Who does the baby look like?" Mama asks. She loves to gossip with me.

"I think she looks a lot like Bella when Bella was human." I reply with a shrug. "We are going back Saturday to have a meeting about when the Valturi are coming."

"Alright sweetie. Go get some sleep for school tomorrow." Mom says with a small, tired smile.

I nod and I jog to my room. I change into some pajamas and I crawl into my bed. Patrolling is so exhausting. I instantly fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

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