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Hey guys! I have a question for you all:

I'm creating a 'street team.' Basically what that means is, I'm creating a Group of people on Facebook (the privacy is Secret for now, but that may change) who are willing to help me spread news about my writing. Some of you will be given free ARCs of my book(s) to read and review BEFORE it becomes published, some of you will be asked to help spread the news about my novels onto other social media sites, etc. I'm hoping that having a street team will really help me spread my writing around and gain more readers!

So is anyone willing to join? Because the group is Secret, I need your name in order to add you. I MAY also need to send you a friend request, but I'm not sure yet. If you want to join, please PRIVATE MESSAGE me your Facebook link. I won't give it out to anyone else :)

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