I Have A Problem

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...my record collection has grown from 5 records to 66

I was at my grandparents yesterday afternoon after recent events and they allowed me to go through their record collection and take whatever I wanted 

I already had Elvis' Golden Hits, Conway Twitty & Loretta Lynn, Oldies but Goodies, Buddy Holly's Greatest Hits, and an original Meet the Beatles record.

These are just some of the ones I got yesterday:

—another Buddy Holly's Greatest Hits (same name, different record)

Elvis' Greatest Hits (an original released in 1972)

—an original Rubber Soul

—an original The Monkees

—an original More of the Monkees

—an original Headquarters

Grease soundtrack (even though I hate Grease #oops)

A hell of a lot more too. But I haven't got the time to list them all 😂

I think I need rehab

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