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Recap of the months after***


**one month later**

"You look horrible" I looked up from my cup of tea and frowned. 

"Thanks Malfoy" I grumbled to him as I looked back down at my cup of tea it a amber color it reminded me of his favorite drink. Fire-whisky. Which I had hit the bottle so to speak after fleeing from his home a month ago. 

The most muggle thing.  But it numbed the pain. 

I felt my mood plummet as I took a small sip. 

"Honestly Granger you look like-" 

I looked up and he snapped his mouth shut. 

"Anyways" he pulled the chair out and sat down. His blonde hair was swept over one shoulder now touching just past, he looked good in his grey suit that matched his eyes. "I haven't seen you at any parties" 

I fringed a smile and shrugged. "I haven't been the best" 

"Harry is worried" I frowned. First name basis between the two was still something to get use to. I looked away. "He mentioned something about a bad break up, I'm sure it wasn't the red head" He sneered. 

I snorted. "That was long ago" 

"So it was a break up" 

"Look-" I went to speak and found myself at a loss. No one could not, I was faithful to that. He was steadfast about anyone never finding out about us. 

"Granger no guy is worth this" He waved his hand to me referring to my wild hair that was more wild then usual, the frumpy shirt and pants. "Granger after a break up your suppose to drive the man crazy with envy for loosing you and into wanting you back not-well look like a bum" he sighed. 

I scowled at him. 

"See now that's the most Granger look I have seen this whole ten minutes" he grinned. "I was assuming you had lost your touch" 

Poking my tongue out at him I rolled my eyes. "Malfoy-" looking down I slouched. "how can I make him envy is all I was-was a bed warmer" I whispered in a broken voice. 

The sound of the chair scrape and move I jumped when a hand touched my hair softly my head snapped up and I found him looking at me with a look in his eyes. "Oh-Hermione" 

Clearing my throat I tried to keep myself from crying. Its all I'd done all month, I was exhausted from the lack of sleep barley getting 3 hours a night . 

His hand drifted and cupped my cheek in a tender way that was well missed his hand was smooth soft not calloused and rough but it was warm and the heat seeped over my skin as he smiled sadly at me. "I know a thing of two about that" He whispered. "Lets go out, not with you dressed in that tho" he teased. 

Blinking in shock I shrugged. "I dont know-" 

"Time to get out of the slump." He stood up. "Come on" He grinned and wiggled his fingers to me. 

My smiled dropped and a tear rolled down my cheek. "I-" 

His smiled dropped and he was brushing the tear away. "How much sleep have you had?" 

"today? Maybe 2 hours" I muttered as I looked down. I hadn't slept well sense that night having spent it crying most the night or to numb to actually bother. Between the fire whisky and the crying I tried to drink myself into a stupper to pass out. 

His lips thinned. "Get up we have to leave" 

I made a face as he grabbed my wrist firmly. 

"Now Granger" 

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