Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

:Hermione Granger

Laying in the tub filled to my chin with rose petals in it I closed my eyes and let my body float just above the water the soft lap of water soothing as the heat that melted over me. 

Severus was locked away in the laboratory sense breakfast after a quick kiss he'd disappeared and I'd wandered into the bathroom to soak till I was a prune. My thoughts swam and battled with the many topics I had rushing through my head as I tried to clear it. 

I was having very little luck with the fact that I couldn't get past how Harry had acted. He'd just rejected the thought. I wondered how my other friends would take it, probably worse. Groaning I let myself sink in the water and held my breath. 

Hope seemed to dwindle as I replayed how Harry had acted. They would act the same-reject it, refuse to accept it. Throw Lily in my face. A shudder went through me  as I pushed up and gasped for a fresh breath of air my hair clung to my face and I wiped my face clear with a towel. 

Lily. It would always come back to the blasted woman who'd been dead for the past 21 years. Still haunting, still lingering. 

He didn't love her, he loved me. I thought to myself and tried to not feel jealous of the long dead woman. But the night he threw it in my face had haunted my dreams and was hard to forget no matter how hard I tried. 

I'd woken up countless times crying as the new wounds caused by the dream racked through me and my eyes would water as I'd lay there panting trying to control myself. Draco had seen it all, the first night he'd almost hexed a poor bird thinking it scared me he'd jolted out of a dead sleep and realized it was just a dream I was having before he woke me. 

He never asked, or pushed about what it was. But I guess he had an idea. Honestly dont know how I didn't even remember how he was the godson to Severus, as Severus would frequently mention him when we where together. 

"Hermione" there was a soft knock at the door before it pushed open and Severus peeked in. "Someone's here to see you" his eyes ran over me and he took a deep breath. 

Smiling to myself I shifted giving him a better view. "See something you like?" My voice was husky as I drew myself up and stood with my eyes locked on his, his where dark with hunger and he squeezed his eyes shut and pinched the bridge of his nose with a deep breath. 

"Woman you will be the death of me" he groaned. 

I giggled softly and stepped out and kissed his cheek. "Will it be a sweet death?" 

Jerking me into his arms he kissed me deeply. "Sweeter then honey" he whispered before letting me go. "Dress wench and go see your friend, why dont you two go out and get some tea or something? I have to finish this and later tonight we will have our time" he promised with a squeeze of his large hand causing a moan to slip out from my lips as his hand squeezed my breast once more while his devilish fingers tenderly twisted my nipple I jerked into his hand and bit my lip hard with a growl as he let his hand fall and smiled sweetly at me. 

"Your so in for it" I let out with a puff of breath as he stepped away. 

Chuckling he combed his hand through his long hair and smiled softly. "That my dear I will look forward to when you come home." 

Slipping my shoes on I took a calming breath, but it was hard with my blood pounding hard as heat roared through me. I wanted him, and at this moment with his obsidian eyes that held a deep lust in them that made the blood pound harder and harder, my legs felt weak and I knew for sure as I rubbed my thighs that I was primed and very ready for him as I took another calming deep breath. 

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