Chapter 19

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Chapter 19


The fire did little to warm my chilled skin. Goose bumps rose all over and the hair on my body stood on end. I curled into myself more with a shiver that ran through me violently. I held the thick fur blanket closer to me drawing it to my shoulders and tucking myself further into it. 

I couldn't for the life of me get any warmer. I felt ice cold. And I knew I wouldn't be able to. After hours of looking for the perfect necklace to fit, I'd wandered from store to store and just down the street to in a daze really to pay much attention. 

But I did know one thing. I wasn't going to go back to Severus's place. 

Only thing that would be waiting for me was a fight. And I knew it. So instead of going head into a heated battle I chose to flee to my home. Curled up in front of the fire with a five gallon tub of Death by Chocolate ice cream and a gallon of chocolate chip cookie dough I was set to wallow in self pity and denial. 

Both of which where all gone as I'd cleared it out in a flattering record breaking 15 minutes. But that little fact would only be known for me as it ,isn't really my proudest achievement. Shivering again it ran from the tops of my shoulders down my whole body shaking as my cup sloshed the rose tea barley staying in the small cup. Steam rose from it and slowly the amber liquid settled and I took a small sip. 

Draco's words echoed in my head. Over and over. The final step, the necklace. No backing out. The bond would be strengthened. Forever. 

Till one passed away. Wizards seemed to take the vows till death do we part rather seriously it seemed. Divorce not an option even with a bag of galleons it would be impossible to have the bond broken as such. Would the bond strengthening  cease all senseless fights? Would it simmer his ever flaring temper. 

Would he drop the subject of Draco and his family? My thoughts took a sudden darkening turn. Luna, Neville, Ginny and Zambini had quickly sent in their reservations as requested upon the arrival of the owl. Later followed by Pavarti and her twin, George and Charlie if not only because of the fact they seen me as a sister and the curiosity they held for the chance of seeing a one Severus Snape possibly smile. 

Ron and Harry. On the other hand even though letters had been sent along with invitations had been ignored all together.  

My two best friends as it seems where not coming. 

And most importantly the two people I wished most to join me on this day. 

My parents. 

Still in Australia, still clueless to the fact they even had a daughter. My stomach twisted and churned and not because of all the sweets I had consumed. 

Holding back the tears I swallowed down the lump in my throat it felt like  I'd shoved 50 cotton balls down my throat. The lump was stuck there refusing to budge and my bottom lip quivered as I hid my face into my knees sniffling. 

Never had I thought I would be alone when I'd marry. 

I'd always thought Harry would be there on my side of the pews along side Ron, I'd always thought they would be the ones to cheer the loudest when I'd say my vows. 

And now? 

I was alone. Utterly alone. My parents clueless, my friends refusing to acknowledge my forthcoming wedding. 

The empty feeling twisted in my gut like a scalding red hot knife slicing through me and twisting as silent tears ran down my flushed cheeks. 

Even now. Falling part, with tears streaming and hands shaking I couldn't bring myself to go back to his place. 

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