Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

"What did you do" I demanded as he lead me into the store. 

He spared me a glance.  "Hold the door for you?  Did you become a feminist over the year as well ? "

My eyes narrowed on him.  "Severus  did we fight? " I questioned with a raised brow to him. This still would did not add up, very first thing the breakfast. That alone raised alarm to me when he detested the thing with a passion. 

He have a sigh.  " I already told you sort of it was a small fight.  I apologized and made you breakfast " he reminded me as if it was not a big deal. 

"And that's what scares me. " I answered.  "You hate breakfast,  hate it you make me make lunch instead every time and one tiny fight you made breakfast" I remarked with a snort. "The very first day we spent together it was morning and you made me grilled ham and cheese sandwiches with tomato soup on the side. 

He sighed. "Because I acted foolish. "

"I feel like I'm missing something"

"The part where you should be happy about breakfast in bed? " he asked hopefully. "It is your favorite part of the day"

"Something bigger then French toast"

He sighed. "Will you just drop it? "

I went to open my mouth but kept it closed and shrugged before glancing around the shop. "I'll be by the shoes" I muttered and wandered off before he could protest or say anything more. 

He may see it as stubborn and foolish but-I was for certain without a doubt that there was a reason behind him making breakfast other then him being foolish over that fight. 

I'd left the house after the fight and-. I tried to think hard. Yes I seen Luna at the Cafe and then we went to my place. We talked about it, a lot over the subject even Ginny said it was stupid and horribly handled. In his case that was. 

Groaning I looked over the clothes and frowned. I'd have to admit I was spoiled and these clothes didn't fit my new taste. Before Draco I'd have been all over this but now? After being spoiled so much I was use to the things in life that where over the top. Draco had the idea and motto that nothing was ever to much even if it was. He once got me a pair of boots that costed-well a fortune and I had about died after he let slip the amount he payed. Which would have paid my rent for five months in a row. 

I moved away from the clothes and to the shoes before giving up all together on the subject of finding anything I found cute. 

"didn't find anything?" 

I glanced up and blinked. "Severus"

"I thought you would find something at least"

"Oh" I shrugged my shoulders. "I dont shop here much anymore."

"Where do you shop now?" He raised a brow?

"The Fang and Claw" I shrugged my shoulders and his eyes widened as I spoke. It was a high end area of the wizording world. 

"Really now?"

"Yes they have a beautiful line of clothes" I stated with a small shrug. 

His eyes widened. "When did you get a taste for that line of clothes as you put it"

"A few months ago" I admitted. It was true. Completely true to be honest my whole wardrobe  was from there. 

His eyes narrowed. "Dare I ask why?" 

I shrugged my shoulders. "Will my answer start a fight?"

His lips thinned as he looked away from me. "Best keep the answer to yourself Hermione dear. We can go there if you wish" he stated with a tone that reminded me very much of him in the class room grouchy and annoyed. 

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