Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 


When I rolled over I half expected to be alone, but when I moved a strong arm was pulling me back onto my side and against a smooth chest. My eyes fluttered open and I inhaled the sweet scent of rose tea and herbs, Severus. 

I nuzzled the chest and snuggled closer as the arm tightened around me and as I peeked up his face was peaceful, tranquil totally at ease as he breathed even. 

Waiting a moment I wiggled out of his arms and grabbed his shirt and slipped it one as I headed to the kitchen to make breakfast the sun was just coming up at it was 5 am, the same time I usually got up at this time-with Draco this was the time he started getting ready for work. 

My heart felt torn. A part of me missed him and the idea of depending on him but another was madly in love with the man in my bed and I wanted nothing more then to run back into his arms and not wake up half afraid that this was just my mind playing tricks on me. 


Bouncing around as I whisked the eggs and cream together I jumped when arms slipped around my waist and the tip of a nose trailed up my neck. 

"Your up early" His husky morning voice caused goose bumps to rise and I pressed back into him. 

"I didnt mean to wake you" 

Kissing the curve of my neck he pressed into me causing me to lean into the counter for support. 


"Not for food" he grazed the shell of my ear and I shuddered. 

"To bad, your eating" 

He chuckled and laid a kiss on my neck before letting me go. "If you insist" he sighed. 

Rolling my eyes I turned to face him. He looked handsome with his tousled hair his pants riding low on his hips. 

"After then" he grinned. 

Watching him, I didn't  know what to do. I'd gotten up to make breakfast and now I know it is real and it wasn't just a dream. 

"What?" He asked after a long time of my just staring at him. 

But I couldn't find my voice as I pushed from the counter and covered the distance between us and wrapped my arms around his waist and buried my face into his chest. "Dont leave" I whispered to soft for him to hear. 

I didn't want him to leave, I didn't want this to be a dream, I didn't want to wake up and be alone without him. 

He sighed and held me gently. 


I held tighter and inhaled softly. The sweet scent of herbs and the musk from the night before still lingered on his skin. 

He gave a deep sigh and suddenly lifted me up and turned us around and placed me on the island top. "Okay, look at me pet" My eyes locked with his and I was drowning in his black obsidian eyes. "I'm here" My brows knitted and he gave me a grin. "I dipped a little, I know I promised never to but you looked deep in thought" He took my hand and put it over his heart. "Feel that" 

Under my palm was a strong beat and the warmth of his skin traveled up my palm to my wrist and slowly spread like a slow kindling wild fire. 

"I'm right here"  he whispered in a comforting voice as if he thought speaking softly would get through to me. 

I met his eyes still so unsure of this. "Severus"He closed his eyes and sighed. I reached up with my free hand and cupped his cheek. "Severus, I -" 

He leaned in and kissed me silencing me from continuing with what I had to say. What I wanted to get out. "Lets start over Hermione, we can forget about the time away the horrible end we had, lets start brand new we wont ever have to bring up the past" 

"I still want more" my voice was pained as I cupped his face in my hands. "I want-"

"I want you, and just you and I was a fool and it took me months after you left to realize I was an ass and an idiot to do that to you and let you walk away. Hermione, please. Just one chance to make things right to show you-" 

"Severus, I want more" 

He sighed and opened his eyes. "And I want you, all of you all the time, me and you. And I cant say that it will be all sunny and go happy. I cant say we wont fight, that we wont have a hard time adjusting. But I promise that I do love you. I'll tell you when your a brat and you can tell me when I'm being stubborn followed by throwing books at me" He tried to grin but it faltered  and his eyes looked haunted from something he remembered and I did something I'd never done  before I reached out into his thoughts and found his walls down and easily seen what he was seeing. 

The night I'd left when he told me he loved Lily, the night I threw book after book at him because I was angry and upset. The way I looked in his eyes-had I looked that bad? I withdrew quickly and he was watching me. I'd felt his regret, and pain. I wasn't the only one aching.

"I want all of it, the ring, the house, the family I want brats running around with your wild curls and your eyes I want you there always by my side" He kissed me and held me against him. "Hermione please" 

Biting his lip I locked my legs around his waist. "You know people will be against us" 

He nodded as he looked into my eyes. "I dont give a shit anymore. I let people stop me from happiness once I will be damned if I let the best thing in my life slip away to another. Your mine Hermione and you've always been sense the beginning, you cant say you never felt the bond between us the link that's pulled us together to where we are now" He growled out. "you'd have never had said yes to the boy even if I hadn't shown up. You've been mine sense you kissed me in the broom closet after the war" he ran his nose up my neck. 

I shuddered as he ran his mouth along slowly. I gripped his arms and tilted my head and blast the man to hell for being so right. Because I knew, I'd always known it would forever be him. 

I'd sealed it when I'd dragged him into the closet and kissed him, in the rush of it all and the excitement of seeing that I had saved him I was overjoyed. Kissing along my neck he sighed softly.  "I loved you then as I do now. I was to afraid to tell you, to ashamed of the things I'd done. How could you love me? I was a traitor, a Death Eater, the tormentor who ruthlessly picked at you through school" he rambled and I pulled his hair forcing him to lift his head and I kissed him roughly. 

"Shut up already" I growled out. "Better have a ri-" he grinned and pulled away from me as he fished around in his pocket and pulled out a box. Placing it on the counter he picked me up and set me on my feet before grabbing the box and drifting down to one knee. "Hermione Jean Granger, will you marry me? And love me for the stubborn man that I am?" 

"Yes Severus Snape the most stubborn man I know, I will marry you" I couldnt help but laugh at the grin on his face and the joy, I'd never seen him so playful an serious at the same time as he placed a ring on my finger. 

"Your mine now woman" He rose up and sealed it with a fierce kiss that I returned and pressed into him. 

"Yours" I sighed as I melted into his arms. 

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