Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


Stretching I yawned softly and laughed as he pulled me into his chest causing the water to lap at the edges and threaten to spill out. 

He traced his lips along my neck causing me to groan I tilted my head for him. 

"Missed this" he hummed softly against my skin as he hugged me tightly. 

My eyes locked on the ring that glissened on my finger.  The black jewel glittered brightly against the rose gold band and clear diamonds. 

"I didn't miss just this" I whispered as I put my arms over his and let out a breath. 
He kissed just below my ear and sent a shiver through me. 

 "I know" he whispered and hugged tightly.  "I missed everything"

He held me closely and I shivered as his hand grazed under the curve of my breast. Moaning softly I shuddered as his thumb brushed over my perked nipple that strained as the water lapped gently and the air chilled the water. "Severus-" 

Chuckling softly his lips sealed on my neck and his teeth teased softly as he growled in response as he gently rolled the hardened bud between his fingers sending fire through my veins and I was panting as I rubbed my thighs together with a whimper. Nibbling along my neck he tugged gently. "Say it again" he whispered. 

"Severus" I repeated as I dug my nails into his thighs causing him to moan against my skin. "Severus please" I smirked feeling him shudder and suddenly he jerked me to face him the water splashed and sloshed out as he cupped the back of my head and kissed me roughly with such force and passion my thoughts swam. 

"little minx " He huffed as he pulled away panting. 

"Severus" I traced my hands down his shoulders and knew what my voice was doing to him, it was husky and breathy.

Giving me a rougish grin he kissed me gently. "God I was a fool" 

"Yes" I agreed with a chuckle as he squeezed my bottom firmly urging me onto his lap fully. "I'm just saying" I pouted innocently as he kissed me gently. 

"I know, I suppose I have to hear it from you" He sighed deeply and groaned when I moved my hips gently into his. He growled out softly and a rush ran through me as I felt him push his hips up and his breath deepened. "I want you" 

Biting his neck I traced my nails down his back. "Please-" 


Yawning I grinned lazily as he pulled the plug for the tub and wrapped his arms around me and stood gracefully. He was sure and confident as he stepped out my head lolled to his shoulder and he chuckled softly. 

"I believe I can stand" I whispered with a yawn. 

"Five seconds does not count" He kissed my forehead and placed me on the counter as he grabbed a towel. "Hold onto my shoulders will you?" He ordered before putting me on my feet. 

"I'm not helpless" I grinned at him as he shamelessly took the towel and dried me off slowly his hands running over my body till I was shivering and biting my lip panting. 

"I know, but can you say that you dont like it?" he kissed my forehead and pulled me into his arms. 

"Severus you snake" I laughed. "Your still wet." 

"well that back fired" He whispered something and the water rolled right off of us and my hair was left dry and fluffy, he was smoothing his finger through the locks with a look in his deep obsidian eyes. "Hows that?" 

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