Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


"I have to go to mine" I yawned as I pulled on my jeans and did a jump and wiggle to get them on causing him to laugh at me as I buttoned the five in a row. 

"Why? "

"It is my place Severus" I snorted.  "And I was thinking I'd give you a day to be a bat in your laboratory and have Ginny over. I want to ask if she will be my maid of honor" I answered as I found a tank top and slid it on and tucked it in. 

He made a face. "A bat? "

"Severus I haven't been able to pry you out of there if it doesn't concern food or sex" I teased as I grabbed the jacket and slipped it on. It came to my waist and the leather smelled of Draco,  and I felt a pinch of guilt as I took a deep breath I could still smell his cigar on it. 

I waited for an answer as I put my boots on. 

"Your style has changed " he noted as he stood up and prowled towards me. 

"Its been a year" I reminded him.  And Draco happened the premadana that he is insisted on buying me clothes more then I'd ever wear.  "But yes a bat"

He sighed. "This is important and there is a deadline. " he reminded me. 

I rolled my eyes. "Every thing is important to you.  Why do you think I'd spend the nights at my place when we where a thing? " I reminded. 

He made a face.

"Don't think I'd never notice when you slipped out of bed to go work in there.  So I'm going to mine tonight while you go be a bat and I will have friends over"

"You can do it here"

I blinked a couple times.  "Maybe next time"

"Why not now" he demanded. 

"Severus" I groaned.  "What's one day? "

"You'll be living here this is your home to"

"I'm not getting rid of the apartment if that's what your trying to say end of discussion on that" I dead panned. "Because I want Ginny over and Luna.  Maybe a couple others and while I love this place they will spaze. " I fluffed my hair and pulled it up into a messy bun as I spoke. "I mean its like a creepier Grimwald" I refered to Harry's place as it was passed from Serius Black to his godson after a lengthy processes to ensure it. 

His lips thinned.  "And what do you mean by creepier? "

"Its as dark as a- oh Severus stop picking a fight." I snapped. 

His black eyes narrowed on me. "I am not.  I just want to know why your being secretive"

"I am not being secretive" I snapped with a scowl setting in.  "I told you my plans,  I told you what I'm going to do.  Stop being difficult"

His glare darkened and he turned on his heels.  "Then just do it" he snapped and stormed out of the room the door slamming behind him.

I glared after him and crossed my arms.  I took a calming breath and shook my head.  And unlike Draco and I's fights he didn't come back to me.

Gulping down a lump I followed his example and threw the door open and stomped down the steps and to the front door. 


Stopping I glanced up at Cafe de Howl and gave a sigh and stepped in.  I was over due for a cup of tea and a sweet as I got in line quickly and let my eyes skim over the menu.

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