Part 3- Their house

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Max P.O.V

I was driving shelby home when I see her trying to keep her eyes open....

"Long day?" I ask
"Yeah the plane was so loud I couldn't sleep"
"When did you wake up?"
"Wow you've lasted a long time without sleep!"
"Yeah I know I still need to upload a pre-made video..."
Her eyes nearly close but she quickly opens them
"Shelby we still have a 10 minute drive why don't you take a nap for now?"
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah it's fine go ahead" I smile
"Thanks" she says while slowly drifting off to sleep

10 minutes later

I pull up on the drive and see shelby still asleep. She's actually quite cute when she's sleeping I don't really want to wake her...
I'll just carry her inside she's had a long day....
I pick her up bridal style and take her in the house.
Ross looks at me confused but I hold a finger to my lips signaling him to keep quiet.

I carry her up to her room and lay her on her bed. I put a blanket over her and slowly close the door.I walk downstairs to see Ross singing along to an anime he spots me and pauses it.
"Is shelby ok?" He asked worried
"Yeah she was just tired and fell asleep in the car so I brought her in like.that so I didn't wake her."

Ross stares at me and asks if I'm hungry. "No I'm not but I'm a little thirsty-"
"Thirsty for shelby" He says as he walks of to grab a mountain dew.
"Why you little-" I start chasing him round the house.
He eventually locked himself in his room and said he needed to upload a video.

Oh no! Shelby didn't get her video uploaded... Should I do it for her? I guess I have nothing else better to do...

I walk up toy room and grab shelby's pc and transfer the video so I could upload it on her channel.

15 minutes later

Ok so that's done wow it's getting late, I should go to bed. I walk up to my room and fall on my bed and don't get off till sunrise.

I look at the alarm clock '6:45 am' why do I always wake up so early????? Well I'm up now so I guess I'll get changed.

About 15 minutes later

Ok I've had a shower and I've got my clothes... I head downstairs and it's deserted (like all houses should be this early in the morning) but not this house. I walk into the kitchen and make some pancakes. Ross and Shelby's I left in the microwave so they don't go cold (actually works)

I eat my pancakes and here someone walking down the stairs....
"Hi max" I high pitched girl said
"Well that's definitely Ross hi Bro"
She giggles for a bit and I tell her pancakes are in the microwave
"No problem I've been up for ages and was bored so yeah"

"We aren't at the offices today so what ya want to do?"I ask
Shelby shrugges her shoulders
"A fair just opened in town if you wanna go?"
"Yeah" she smiles
"K ill ask Ross if he fancies it when he decides to wake up...."
"Let's wake him up!"
"Good idea I've got the best thing to get him up"
I run to my room and grab an air horn then run back to shelby and had it to her.
"But it's really loud!"
"It's ok ill cover your ears"
We walk into ross' room silently and then I put my hands over shelby's ears.
"3...2...1...Go" I whisper shout so she can hear me

Within a second of using it ross jumps out of bed literally standing. Me and shelby burst out laughing and Ross is just standing there giving us the death glare.
"Hahaha we got you so good hahaha" I laugh
"Haha yeah we did haha" shelby laughs as well.
"shelby run!" I yell
"Why?!" She yells
"ROSS!" I yell and we both start running then we spit in two different ways to loose him... We eventually are both sneaking round the house till we bump into each other then run into a room and lock it. We sit there for a few until we hear ross turn his anime on and he's calm.

We slowly walk out the room to make our way downstairs.
"Hey buddy!" I yell slightly nervous
"Hey max" ross replies
"Me and shelby are going to the fair wanna join us?"
"Nah I promised my fans I'd do a live stream at 12"
"Oh ok"
" ill probably go after 1 though"
"Ok see you later! Oh could you feed galileo and shadow please?"
"Yeah no problem have fun!"
"Bye!" Me and shelby shout as we walk out the door

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