Part 17- Aftermath

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Ross' P.O.V

Me and max are waiting in the main area of the hospital for Shelby to get out of the operation. I'm panicking because of the list that the nurse brought up.

"Yeah buddy?"
"Will shelby remember us?"
"Will she be able to speak?"
"She won't remember anyone....."
"She won't be able to do anything and it's all my fault!"
"Max it's not your fault don't work your self up over it..... she lo-"
"She doesn't love me so don't even say it!"

Through the tanoy a woman said.... shelby grace is out of her operation can Ross and max please make their way to room

Me and max ran to the room to see shelby sitting up with wires attached to get chest. It pains me to see her like this..... The nurse walks up to us and tells us the operation was a success. We walked over to her and she look confused. She went to speak but no voice came out. The nurse came in with a white board for shelby. Shelby snatched the white board out of the nurses hand and wrote

why are you here? I don't know who you are!

My heart shattered as she showed me the board.

"Shelby I'm max.... your boyfriend"
"I'm Ross your cousin!"

Hi I'm sorry I don't recognise you! Can you explain to me who I am?

Ross left to go to his car

"You are Shelby Grace! An amazing YouTuber! You live with me and Ross at the minute and you have had to have an operation.... It has had some major effects on you....."

Thanks! When can I leave the hospital?

"Whenever you want!"



I walk over to shelby and pick her up. She hugs me and we walk to ross' car. Ross is waiting inside the car because he couldn't bare to see her like that. He came over and hugged her. She hugged him and I sat her in the back seat with me. She picked up her whiteboard.

Am I popular on 'youtube'

"Yes you are!"

Should I make something explaining what's happened to me?

"yes do you still want to carry on doing youtube?"

Yes but will that be a problem?

"No it just means you will have to work that little bit harder and put subtitles on your videos"

Ok! When we get back can we go to where I work...? I want to make a a video

"Yes you work at the offices at the minute and don't be overwhelmed when you get there! There is A LOT of people there.... All of them know you so I will try and explain what's happened!"

Thanks max your the best!

She leans her head on my shoulder and we arrive at our home. We show Shelby her room and she puts some clean clothes on. I text Adam to let him know what's happening

M- hey.....
A- what's up mad max
M- not now Adam I have something important to tell you
A- sorry what's up
M- Shelby has been in hospital.... she's lost her voice and some of her mobility.........also.......she's lost memory of everything....
A- Everything? Even us?
M- yes.....I have reminded her about youtube and she wants to come in and make a video explaining how her channel is going to move in a different direction
A- okay I'm calling the office in for a meeting now!
M- thanks Adam
A- Make sure megans okay!
M- haha Ok just don't confuse her because she can't even remember her own name at the minute!
A- kay bye!
M- bye

Ok everything is ok and now all I have to worry about is shelby and making her life as great as it could!

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