Part 15- Hospital

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Max's P.O.V

Why? Why her? She will hate me! Shelby.... wake up..... Please..... Ross needs you......I......n- You can hate me.... but Ross needs you.......

Shelby's finger moves and she mumbles under her breath!

"Ross she's making a noise!"
"Max she's mumbling under her breath get a nurse!"

I jump out of the seat next to her and run out of the room as fast as I possibly could screaming
"SHELBY GRACE HAS SIGNS OF WAKING UP!" I ran to the nurse that helped her when we first got here with her. She asked me to lead her to Shelby and when I got back the nurse immediately injected her with something

"what's that?!?!?!"
"Don't worry  its safe it will help her body wake up....."
"Thank you"

The nurse did a few more tests and walked out and told us to get her when Shelby wakes up to run a few more tests. We agreed then Shelby started to move her legs.

Shelby's P.O.V

All of a sudden a door appears in front of me..... on the wall that I can see the faces on. I want to get to wherever I'm at so I walk through the door. I open my eyes to be inside a white room. Two men standing by my side. One is crying so I say
"Why are you crying?"
"SHELBY?!?!?!?!?!" The brunette shouts
"I think that's my name?"
"What do you mean think?" The red heads asks worried
"Sorry. Anyway do I know you two and why are you her with me?"

They look hurt

"I'm sorry! I truly don't know who you are" I say sadly

They both come and hug me and the red head runs out the room crying. The brunette sits in the corner and lightly sobs. I feel terrible..... what did I do? I build up the courage and ask the brunette

"What's your name?"
"What relation to me are you?"
"I'm  your............ cousin"
"I'M SO SORRY!" I begin to cry

He comes over and hugs me.

"Shh it's alright you obviously have lost your memory"

I continue to cry and then a nurse walks in

"Excuse me Shelby?"

I look around the room and reply
"I can't remember my name....."
"It might be worse than expected"
"Who are you?" I point to max
"He's my cousin so who are you?"
"Cool name! What relation to me are you?"
"You must be you are here so you must know me! Haha"
"I'm nobody to you I made you do this its lol my fault I'm so sorry" He runs out the room crying

"Did I say something wrong?" I ask worried. What if I hurt him. I move my legs out of the bed and try to stand.

"Shelby I don't think you should try to walk yet!" The nurse informs

"I need to!" I slowly stand up and use ross' shoulders for balance.
"Thanks ross!"
"No problem"

I run out the room on the search for max. I see him sitting on a sofa in the waiting room with a box of tissues. I walk up to him and sit next to him. I lean on him.

"So who are you other than nobody?"
" are you out of the room?"
"Stop avoiding my question!"
"I'm max...... I'm your boyfr- ex probably now......"
"Why would you be my ex?"
"Because I kissed other girls and you forgived me! But then you remembered what I done.... then went to the same spot we first kissed and.....and..... stabbed yourself. I was watching from a different carriage....."
"So I forgived you?"
"Yeah......but then......."
"You are quite cute"

He laughs and leans his arm around me

"I'm so sorry Shelby"
"it's fine....."
"No I mean honestly"
"I know"

I look at him and we stare at each other for a few seconds then he leans in and I get closer to his face. I close the gap and I kiss him. I remember this happening before I remember him and his house. I break the kiss and hug him tightly and he hugs back.

I wipe a tear away from his cheek

"I love you max..... I remember"
"You remember me?"
"Yeah you and galileo"

He smiles and picks me up and runs back to the hospital bed. I walk over to ross and hug him.

"Hi ross"
"Hi shub"

I pick up my phone and stare at the screen saver. It was a picture of galileo and a cat. Wait I recognise that cat...... its.... ross'
I stare at ross looking at him

I run and hug him
"I remember you! YOU; KP; MAX; GALILEO; SHADOW!"

He kisses my forehead happily and the nurse tell me to sit back down on the bed because she has some knows I need to sit down for......

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