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AN: Sooo.. ;) I wrote another chapter, it´s quite short, but I think all my chapters are. ;) But I hope you´ll like it. Love youuu! ♥

PS: I didn´t read it after I was finished, soo there are probably lots of mistakes in it, but there are always lots of mistakes. ;) hihi ♥

Chapter 7

Beep Beep

“Ugh..”, I groaned opening my eyes, I must have fallen asleep. I fumbled my phone out of my pocket and unlocked the screen revealing a new message.

From unknown

How are you doing? I was so worried. Hope you´re having a nice evening. See ya in school tomorrow.

x H

What the fuck! Who is this? I´m going to reply now.. Wait.. can I reply when his or her number is blocked? I should try.

To unknown

Who are you? You´re scaring the fuck out of me!! Fucking say who you are or stop texting me!!

Message sent

Oh good it worked. I hope he or she fucking replies and tells me who he or she is! I´m tired of having all these thoughts who it could be.

Beep Beep

From unknown

Can´t tell you, not know, you´ll see tomorrow, in school. I promise.

x H

“Argh fucking idiot!”, I shouted, hammering my thumbs to the touch screen.

To unknown

Fucking tell me who you are!!!

Message sent

I waited patiently for the next message to arrive. I hope he or she is writing back..

Beep Beep

From unknown

Fine meet me in the park at the big tree. Now.

x H

To unknown

I´ll be there.

I quickly replied and jumped out of my bed pulling an oversized hoodie over my head and put on some jogging bottoms, heading downstairs. Louis and Mr Styles were still talking in the kitchen so I grabbed my keys and sneaked outside, making my way towards the park.

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