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AN: No proofread!  Hey! Today´s Sunday and since we have Christmas break here in Germany I don´t have to study aaand I had the time to write! ;) I know it´s really short, but I thought that it´s the best decision to end the chapter there. ;) I hope you´ll like it. Love youuu! ♥ ♥


Chapter 13

His tongue licked my bottom lip begging for entrance I denied. Harry moved his hands down to my bum giving it a squeeze. I gasped and he took this as an advantage to shove his tongue into my mouth. Soon our tongues fought for dominance. He grazed his teeth over my tongue and took my bottom lip in between them making me moan. Satisfied he started to kiss my neck finding my sweet spot. After he had found it he started to suck and nibble on it.

“Uugh Harry.”, I softly moaned. I felt him smirk against my skin as he moved his hands between my legs. Out of reflex I squeezed them together.

“Spread your legs.”, he groused into my ear his voice raspier than before. I obliged and spread my legs giving him more access to my throbbing area. He pressed his palm hard against my crotch and nudged my face to one side so that I was facing the bookshelves. He placed sloppy kisses along my jaw line while he started to rub me through my trousers. I squeezed my eyes shut and bit my lip.

“Open your eyes.”, Harry said and I did, my lip still tucked in between my teeth. Harry watched my eyes, his filled with lust, before he took my bottom lip in between his teeth, his eyes still locked with mine. He bit down on my lip causing me to close my eyes. I let out a soft moan, he unbuttoned my trousers and pushed them down to my ankles signalling me to step out of them. After I did that he kneeled down in front of me kissing my  sensitive area through my panties.

“You´re so wet.”, he simply said, but it caused another shiver to run down my spine. Harry took the waistband in between his teeth and pulled them down my legs slowly.

“Harry!”, I moaned. God he´s such a tease. He smirked, knowing exactly what he´s doing to me. My pulse quickened when he pressed his index against my entrance. My breath hitched and I bit my lip nervously. He looked up at me, his finger still pressed against my entrance.

“Did you ever do this before?”, he asked a bit worried. I opened my mouth, but nothing came out so I just shook my head no. He smiled understandingly before he opened his mouth to say something.

“You´re sure, I mean we don´t-”

“Yes.”, I cut him off and he shoot me an unconvinced look.

“Do it!”, I groaned and he smirked.

“What do you want me to do?”, he asked teasingly.

“T-touch m-me.”, I stuttered my cheeks flushing.

“So innocent.”, Harry chuckled. “Where do you want me to touch you?”, he asked still smirking.

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