What happened in his past?

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no proofread!!

Chapter 28

“God that is too much.”, I groaned holding my belly. This omelette was great, but after the sandwich in the car I didn´t need this anymore.

“Give it to me.”, Harry said and I placed my plate in front of him. I had eaten half of my omelette, it was really good, but definitely too much for me.

“Why can you eat so much.”, I asked astonished leaning back into the really comfortable bench.

“Well I don´t know.”, he laughed with a full mouth. I groaned, I was too full and I just wanted to sleep. I closed my eyes and laid my head against Harry´s shoulder.

“You´re not going to pass out on me are you?”, he asked chuckling. I just shrugged wrapping my arms around his waist and he pulled me on his lap wrapping one arm around me. I nuzzled my face into his shirt and inhaled his scent through the thin fabric.

“I love you Si.”, Harry whispered into my ear.

“I love you too Harry.”, I replied my eyes still closed. I felt Harry lifting himself up to grab his wallet out of his back pocket.

“My money is in my front pocket.”, I mumbled. He´s not going to pay for me.

“I´ll pay.”, Harry said and I opened my eyes lifting my head.

“Harry!”, I warned.

“Sissy!”, he mocked me.

“Harry please.”, I said fumbling the money out of my front pocket and handed it to him. Harry rolled his eyes taking my money out of my hand. I grinned and Harry smiled back at me.

“You´re finished?”, Maria asked walking over to us.

“Yep.”, Harry smiled and handed her the money before she could even say how much it will cost.

“The rest is tip.”, he added and Maria smiled.

“Thank you, have a nice day.”, she said.

“You too Maria.”, Harry smiled before she walked away.

“Lets go I have a surprise for you.”, he grinned at me and I gave him a confused look.

“You´ll see, come.”, Harry said grabbing my hand. I got up and we walked towards the door. Harry placed his hand on my bum slipping it into my back pocket before he opened the door for me. I stepped outside and Harry moved his hand away and grinned at me.

“What?”, I asked confused, but Harry just chuckled.

“What did you do Harry?”, I shouted trying to look at my but. Nothing.

“Harry!”, I whined making him laugh even harder. I touched my bum. Nothing.

“What did you dooo?”, I asked stretching out the o. Harry grabbed my hand and slipped it into my back pocket and there I felt it. My money I gave him, he put it back into my pocket, but he pretended to use it just that I would shut up?

“Harry!”, I pouted. “Next time I´ll pay.”

“We´ll see.”, he grinned challenging opening the car door for me after we headed towards it.

I got inside and buckled my seatbelt. I watched Harry walking around the car to the driver´s side. He opened the door and the wind caused goose bumps to form. I shivered and rubbed my hands to warm them up. Jesus it still is late summer why is it so cold outside.

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