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no proofread!!

Chapter 38

“Sissy!”, someone yelled, I turned around and saw Liam walking up to me.

“Hey.”, I smiled at him.

“Where have you been? You were gone all weekend and you weren´t at school yesterday.”, he asked me taking a deep breath when he was finished cause he talked a little too fast.

“I uuhm I-”

“No need to explain Si Lou told me everything.”, Liam cut me off.

“What?! Why? Why did you ask me then?”, I asked embarrassed, Liam wasn´t supposed to know that he can´t keep his mouth shut.

“Yeah he told me that you visited your grandma, but that doesn´t mean that you´re allowed to turn your phone off for the whole weekend. Gosh Sissy I was so bored.” Oh God he doesn´t know. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a second.

“Si? Are you okay?”, Liam asked worried.

“Yeah, yeah everything´s fine.”, I forced a smile and he pulled me into a hug.

“God Si I can tell that there´s something wrong.”, he whispered into my ear. I took a deep breath inhaling the scent of his nice cologne not as nice as Harry´s though. When we pulled away Liam placed his hands on my shoulder looking at me. He nodded towards an empty classroom and we walked over to it pushing the door open walking inside.

“Let´s sit down. Here.”, he said pulling out a chair for me.

“Thanks.”, I whispered taking a seat.

“So now tell me what´s wrong.”, he said after he sat down as well.

“I, I don´t know how to tell you that, but I wasn´t at my grandma´s this weekend I was with Ha- Mr. Styles. We- we you know I fell in love with him and he did as well. So he took me to an hotel this weekend to visit his old friends in his hometown.”, I tried to explain.

“Yeah I know, but something must have happened there.”, Liam said impatiently.

“Wait what? You know that Ha- Mr Styles and I-”

“That something´s going on between you and Harry yes I know that. Si it´s so obvious how he looks at you and how you look at him, I noticed that.”, he cut me off.

“Oh shit is it that obvious?”, I asked embarrassed and scared that someone else could´ve noticed that as well.

“Well some girls are a little suspicious, but I think nobody really noticed. But now tell me what happened.”

“God how am I supposed to tell you...


After telling Liam what had happened, about the man who attacked me and how scared I was we decided to ditch school for that day and go to our favourite pizza place to talk.

“Okay I think I gotta go pee before we go.”, Liam said pushing himself up.

“Wait I think I have to use the bathroom too.”


I pushed the bathroom door open and walked inside opening one of the toilet´s door locking it behind me. When I was sitting on the toilet I heard someone entering the bath what was a little weird cause Liam and I were the only ones at the restaurant. I quickly pulled up my pants again unlocked the door and peeked outside but nobody was there. The door squeaked a little when I pushed it open, I was so nervous, but too curious to just walk out so I checked the four other stalls but none of them was locked. My heart still beating really fast I tried to calm myself down and started to wash my hands. I looked up into the mirror and checked my make up when I saw a shadow of a person. I just shook my head and dried my hands with the paper towel, but when I grabbed the door handle someone covered my mouth and nose and tried to grab my hands. I stumbled back and my bum was pressed against someone´s crotch who fell over.


I turned around spotting a blonde haired guy, dressed in black on the floor his mask in one of his hands his hair all messy.

“Wilder!! What did you do? You were supposed to kidnap that girl and not knock yourself out!”, another man screamed at him who walked out of one of the stalls. I just stood there frozen watching that tall boy sitting there running his hand through his hair making it even more messy.

“Sorry.” , he mumbled getting up and brushing out his clothes. I turned around again but before I could get out my mouth and nose were covered again and everything around me went black.

AN: Just a short chapter but I wanted to update cause I still feel bad for the long wait.

Thank you soooo much for reading this story it´s just incredible how many of you are reading this. Thank you sooo much ♥♥

Svenja ;)

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