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no proofread :)

Chapter 37

“Sissy?”, someone called my name. I groaned waking up.

“Si?!”, the one screamed again.

“Yeah?!”, I asked my door swinging open Louis stepping inside my room.

“Lou!”, I exclaimed jumping out of bed into his arms.

“Si.”,he laughed wrapping his arms around me. “Missed me that much?”,he asked and I nodded my face buried into his shoulder.

“Aaw you´re cute.”, Lou laughed again.

“Where´s Harry?”, he asked when we pulled away. I turned around to my bed. No Harry.

“Uuhm I don´t know.”, I said confused scratching my head.

“Harry?”, I called asking. “Harry where are you?”

“Ouch!”, I heard someone curse.

“Harry?” , I asked again.

“Here.”, he groaned, the noise coming from the bathroom. Lou opened the door and we saw Harry lying on the floor holding his head.

“Harry?”, Louis laughed at him.

“What happened?”

“I was cleaning the bath and-”

“You were cleaning the bath? Why?”, Louis asked raising his eyebrows at him.

“Cause uuhm Sissy was asleep and I thought I could clean it.”, he explained. “And I just banged my head.”

“Aaw come here I´ll give you an ice-pack.”

“I don´t need one I´m okay.”, he protested.

“Nope I´ll get you one.”

“Siiii.”, he whined stretching out the i.

“Harryyy.”, I mocked him.

“Si.”, he smirked walking towards me.

“Nooo.”, I screeched when Harry quickly wrapped his arms around my waist throwing me over his shoulder.

“Aaah Harry!”, I screamed drumming my fists against his back.

“Wooah guys!”, Louis laughed. “I think I´ll leave you two alone.”, he smirked walking into his room.

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