Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

What the hell? Wilder!!?”


I told you to make me coffee right?”

Yeah you did, I placed it on your desk th.... Oh but why are you asking Sir you already have the cup in your hand.”

Don´t be stupid Wilder!! You know how I want my coffee right?”

Yes, I do.”

Then why don´t you make it how I want it? I want it black, you understand? Black with three spoons of sugar! God boy it was a huge mistake to let you work here if your dad wasn´t one of my most important employees you would´ve lost this job more than three times already!! Even too stupid to make coffee. Do you even listen when I talk to you?”

Uuuhm sorry what did you say Sir?”

Uugh get out of here I don´t wanna see your face here anymore!”

I can make you a new coffee.”

Ooh yeah sure that you can mess it up again? No, noo thank you I´d rather drink my own piss than drinking your horrible coffee.”

Okay Sir I´ll just leave then.”

Yes please and don´t come in here until I call for you capiche?”

Yes Sir.”

Good. Now please leave Wilder.”

The voices became louder and louder till I finally was able to open my eyes. The sunlight blinded me and I tried to cover my face, but I couldn´t move my arms. They were tied to a chair.

A chill ran down my spine. What the fuck why was I here? My eyes roamed the cold, musty room I was in. It smelled like a mixture of my dads sweaty tennis socks and Liam´s grandma´s deodorant. I wrinkled my nose and tried to breathe through my mouth which was more difficult than I first thought. Not really realizing what just happened I felt my eyelids falling closed again.


“Wake up!”, I heard a faint voice say.

“Wake up stupid bitch!!”, the voice became louder and unfriendlier. I blinked my eyes spotting a man´s face right in front of mine, his nose almost touching mine. He stared into my eyes, looking scary as fuck.

“Little princess is awake huh?”, he whispered his face still just as close to mine as it was before. I could smell his minty breath. I raised my eyebrows totally confused.

“Where am I? Where´s Harry?”, I asked, but the man just laughed showing me his really white teeth. He must´ve bleached them, I mean who has such white teeth.

“Well to answer your first question...”, he started backing away from me, his full height towering over me “´re obviously not in school were you´re supposed to be. And to answer your second question madame you´re boyfriend is not here or can you see him?”

“No.”, I said my voice barely above a whisper.

“More questions?”, he asked. Well yes I had lots of questions but he showed me that it is absolutely pointless to ask him because he wouldn´t give me the answers I want to hear anyway. I was so calm in this whole situation which must be one of the after effects of being forced to sleep.

“No.” , I said with a steady voice.

“Good answer princess.” , he viciously smiled at me.

“First of all I will untie you so you can eat and you better do cause if you don´t it´s your problem not ours, you understand?”, he asked me bending down to me again.

“Yes.”, I nodded.

“Good after that I´ll tell you the rules you have to follow. Now hold still princess.”, he said in his demanding voice, kneeling down next to me to untie my hands and legs.

“Get up.” he instructed and even though his voice sounded so harsh he gently grabbed my shoulder and arm and lead me to the little table where my meal was served. I sat down and looked at the crunshy chicken the mashed potatoes and the vegetables placed on my plate. I grabbed the fork and knive and started cutting the chicken breast.

“Here drink the water.” he filled some sparkly water in a plastic cup and placed it in front of me.

“Thanks.” , I mumbled.

“Hungry huh?”, he asked laughing. I looked up to him standing behind me nodding.

“Good.”, he smiled. I turned around again looking confused. What´s so good about me being hungry? God I feel like I´m going to freak out here, as soon as the sedation wears off I´m pretty sure I will.

AN: Heey guuys I know it´s been long and this is a short chapter, but I just didn´t feel like writing lately  buuut I will more often now I promise you that!!

I hope you enjoyed reading this crappy chapter nonetheles. I´ll probably update another one later today. And again I´m really sorry for the long time I haven´t updated my story. I hope you still like to read my story cause I really appreciate that so many of you do. Thank you so much for that. 

I love youuu ♥♥

xx Svenja ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2014 ⏰

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