Chapter I

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"..s it.... Which is it?...," The list on my hands refused to give answers to my light interrogation, I don't even know if I, at some point, considered toothpicks to be essential for surviving the days to come and packed it somewhere in the crevices of my cramped large mountaineering bag.

it's zipped compartments looks just about ready to blow and the latches are holding on for dear life, I don't even want to go and try to sort out whatever I tossed inside it, the sides of it looks gruesome and bent out of shape.

Courtesy of my masterful display of disorganization.

I probably misplaced or ended up leaving out some of the items on this damned list!!... I've forgotten to consider the fact that I'm forgetful...Stupid!!! Thud*

Banging my head on the wall probably isn't even a good idea, not only will I be losing more of my already depleting cup's worth of brain cells, the noise would definitely wake the members of the pack in the process...what with those crazy sensitive hearing and all that.

I crumpled the now worthless list, stripping it of it's usefulness the moment I completely ignored observing the mannerly order in which I was supposed to gather the supplies

Grabbing-whatever-I-think-is-useful-nearby is more or less what I've been doing for the past 20 minutes.

My bag is already heavy to begin with, adding whatever in it is certain to make my spinal cord give out at some point in my journey.

Huffing, I rolled the last of my clothes and fed it to my fat pet bag.

'I'll just forget about forgetting those things, too,' I thought crudely to myself, 'and get a move on,'

I grabbed the somewhat sizable kitchen knife from the rack, vexed as I was from realizing that my pack didn't have any big dangerous knives lying around...these werewolves rely too much on their claws, while I, a helpless human, am left with a kitchen knife and a meat cleaver to protect myself.

The knife was tucked inside my makeshift holster, hanging on my belt, the meat cleaver was lost somewhere inside my bag, 'they shall now fear my cookery,'

I exhaled deeply, one part: humorless laugh and two parts: nose fart.

Securing the sleeping bag blah balh blahhhsomething some______________________________________

This will be the last day of my affiliation with wolves.

A passing thought, a family picture flashed in my mind, my... family.

I rummaged around the room for a paper and pen, I'm not gonna leave without a note! They're werewolves for crying out loud! they'll try to track me down if I suddenly go missing without a warning, and mom, given how frail she has been these past years, making her worry is in the bottom of my list.

Bending over my desk with writing materials in hand, I started racking my brain for a goodbye note, wondering who I would address the note to.

The alpha? the pack? or whoever was going to see it first?

Dearest friend?..hell no, too weird, I'm not writing to a penpal...who are they to me? Those guys were a family, I don't belong to their worl...gee, I'll just call them guys.


This is Kathy, I'm not kidnapped or anything, I just wanted to live like how the people without the knowledge of the werewolves' existence do.

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