Chapter VIII: Know Me

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I was now certain of one thing,

"...then Ethan gets to keep the biggest room! Its the size of a house for crying out loud! bigger than Mom and Dad's combined room!-"

Emily has the power to talk my ears off, "HELL ITS WAY BIGGER THAN MINE!"

Anyone's ears, for that matter.

I can't seem to get a word in, she dominates the conversation all the way, "-Everyone treats him all special, like he's better than everyone, I'm way cuter than him."

In fact, I haven't been able to speak past the first word and she went blab berserking on me, she wasn't even making sense half the time, "he's just lucky I was born younger,"

So far, all I've absorbed from what she's told me was of her one-sided sibling rivalry, Ethan's unfair age advantage, his cold superior demeanor in the pack, her chipped fingernails, their mother's gorgeous fingernails, my stupid need for 'stupider' issues, how I need to join the pack now and that she packs a mean punch.

She actually resorted to blackmailing me some time ago...

I still didn't get to put my thoughts in before she changed topics again, talking speedily without making enough sense, getting sidetracked by other things to talk about, it was nice to know that we won't have a dull moment of awkwardness in our conversation, but this is just...!

"Oooh the things I could do if I was older, maybe I-" "Emily," "-should runaway as well, you can just take me with you and away from Ethan," that's not an option, my sweat dropped from her nonsensical thought process, now she's telling me to leave with her instead of Ethan, "that way I won't be his younger sister, I'll be a free woman," what about me? don't I have a say in this?!

"But..Of course!... you'd still be older than me, maybe I should runaway alone," what!? "Emily, I don't thi-" "yeah, maybe I'll do that, I mean, someone like you survived it, It'll be a walk in the park," there's a thinly veiled insult in there...where's Ethan when you need him? he probably knows the effective way of shutting Emily up.

Tired of listening to Em's incessant chatter for 30 minutes more or less, I finally gave up and just shook the younger girl's shoulders, she won't listen to words so hopefully action would do the trick.

And it, to my utmost relief, did.

"I don't want no ravioli, nigg- what?!" she gave me the evil eye, like I just bothered her from an important speech.

"You're not making anymore sense, Emily,"

"That's because you're not listening," Geezums, this girl's gonna die in a freak accident,

One where my fist suddenly, violently, replaces the location of her face.

"Godess knows I have been and I suffered for it," I mock sneered, I was by no means angry with her, my mother was worse and still she was loved, its just that I wanted to be with Ethan at the moment that it made me slightly more irritable than usual, how long does he have to be away? What has he been doing? leaving me with Emily when he knows how rabid his sister is.

Well... I did sortta made him leave us to talk.....ohmyself.

"Well maybe you need to relearn how human conversations go because as far as I've known, one should learn information, not suffer, in talks...your chitchat with Ethan, if you guys really do that what with all this privacy, doesn't count because he's an unsociable backside."

"Stop insulting people!" and implying adult innuendos!

"I'm just telling you the unimpressive reality, believe me, its weird to have a butt as my brother." That's a weird image to think of...especially when I'm imagining Ethan's oddly sexy looking naked buttocks.

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