Chapter III: Found You

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She was beyond any doubt, my mate.

I confirmed this thought when she took a glance at my direction, a cautious gaze, her eyes alert to any movement, I held my breath, both to hide myself and a reaction to the spine tingling sensation I felt when her eyes almost met mine.

Those blood red eyes that I'd recognize from anywhere, all that I've been unknowingly searching for, haunting me in all the dreams and subconscious thoughts of my whole life and now she was here, all of her.

She must've been unable to see me since she went back to her task, untangling her wet hair from it's messy state, her thin and scarred fingers weaving across brown locks, an urge to go near her, take and inhale her now more potent scent came to me, she was in heat, but I restrained myself, not yet.

If it really was her jacket that I found, and I was certain it was, then she knew of me coming here, me coming to visit the calm that she brought, she's seen all of me, even my wolf form, yet she decided not to reveal even a fraction of herself to me..

That's not..right..and I feel a bit frustrated with the fact.

She seems wary of everything and I have no desire to scare her and risk the possibility of losing her, never.

A glint of light caught my eyes, I noticed a worn out little knife, it's blade was full of bumps and amateur sharpening strokes, suggesting that it was an item that she used quite often, beside this, a sharp tipped stone was tied to a stick.

My brows furrowed, why would she need those?

She stood, squeezing out a few drops out of her drenched clothing, picking up her belongings as she went behind a large rock...

After all this time..she was just behind that rock?

I massaged my temple with my hand, boggled and irritated to both me and her, was I really that stupid? I didn't search this place well enough, an enemy could have hidden there, I was careless and she, lovely woman that she was, just waltzed in and took advantage of that mistake of mine.

She definitely completes me.

I shifted into my wolf form to have a better chance of blending to my surroundings, I moved to a more shaded part of my sanctum that hides my grey coat, looking for a spot that wouldn't allow wind to pass through me, lest she breathes and recognize my scent.

A moment later, she came out, wearing a new set of dry clothes, making me wonder what else she had with her in this place, , why was she here?

She was wearing the black leather jacket and it fit her well, I was now certain that she was the owner of it.

Her spear was in hand, looking ready for a battle, my interest was piqued, she probably had an odd fascination towards human weapons, carrying it around as though it would protect her.

Her eyes were following the movements of a deer, she grips the spear firmly to her side, steps quiet, her posture almost crawling except she was walking in an unsteady path as she leveled herself behind plants and tree trunks, quiet, quick and graceful, going nearer the animal.

So she was the reason why they started to become cautious around human presence, she was hunting them.

If it were somebody else I would have been outraged, this place was once without wildlife, these animals, I brought them here for their safety, they were the closest thing I had to pets, I crossed the river carrying them with me to place them here when I was young, the rabbits were easy since they were light and reproduced like the rabbits they were, but the deers were the ones harder to put here, not only did I need to catch them, they struggled against my younger self as I carried them and I only managed to catch three back then.

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