Chapter 4

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Afer the sex I think that Lucas stay more happy for being with me, and then he whisper on my ear something that I feel relief and then my phone rang and Lucas get up of the bed and go, his face was not surprised but instead happy:

-So Lucas who was? (Maya)

-It was Josh, but I told him that you were busy and you are! (Lucas)

Lucas sometimes was so overprotective and in this moment you guys are thinking that I am a slut because I did sex Lucas and make out a little with Josh in two days, but just one them is my real boyfriend, please don't think that what happen with Josh wasn't a mistake and by the way today I still didn't saw him maybe he regret it to.

-So Lucas this morning you told me that you know the reason why Josh get out of his old School! How do you know? (Maya)

-Well I have friends in there and they told me! (Lucas)

-Tell me why please! (Maya)

-Do you really wanna know! I don't know if I tell you, give something in Exchange! (Lucas)

I give him a kiss and he grab my waist and put me on top of him.

-Tell me! (Maya said while was giving him kisses)

-Okay, I tell so Josh was caught up doing sex on the director office with a slut of that school, but he was not just one slut it was many of them and he was just the only boy in that room if you understand me! (Lucas)

-Are you shure of that? (Maya)

-Yeah, believe me they have pictures of it! (Lucas)

This remind me of that time when we were on his bedroom and he told me that he was not just for one girl we could take much more, such an asshole!

A few minutes later I got up from Lucas bed and dress me:

-Hucleberry is better I go home now before my mom come home,okay? (Maya)

-Yeah shure princess you can go,but tomorrow you can come back because I think that your my drug! (Lucas)

I got out of his house and see Josh and Missy holding hands and kissing, then he gave Missy a last kiss and touch her ass, she close the house door and Josh go away I quickly start to walk fast before he notice me.


I'm not shure but the girl in front of me seems like Maya so I touch her back and when she turn around I see Maya's face:

-Hi Maya, out here alone where's your boyfriend? (Josh)

-Hey Josh! I can take care of myself but my boyfriend well I get out of his house like a ten minutes ago and what are you doing here, alone? I think you didn't know NYC! (Maya)

-I was just take a walk alone, you know trying to search for things that I remembre from here! (Josh)

-Alone? (Maya)

-Yes alone, why? (Josh)

-Because you were not alone this entire time Josh! You were with Missy I saw you two,stop lying and hiding things because right now I think that Lucas is right about you! (Maya)

-What are you talking about? (Josh)

-What happen in your old school, I know why you were expelled Josh! Leave me alone,please! (Maya)

Maya know the reason, how she looked at me normal Lucas break my friendship with her forever and she saw me and Missy, come on! Any guy is incapable of control himself around her, she is hot even when she is not trying to.

Happy ever after...not really! (Lucaya/Joshaya/Riarkle/Smarkle)Where stories live. Discover now